
3K 39 1

There are so many people I want to thank I don't think I'd be able to list them all. So, first off I'd like to start off with the person who inspired this wonderful story.

Thank you so much for opening my eyes to the world. I spent four years of my life in love with you, hoping that one day you would return that love... but it never happened. And that's okay. You taught me more about love than anyone and for that I'm truly grateful. You are the reason this book was a success and I will forever be in debt to you for that.

Next my fans, all 36,000 of you.

Thank you to all you guys, because without you the success of this book wouldn't be possible. Without you guys as motivation I don't think I would've been able to finish this book, and for that I thank you guys. Thank you guys so much for all the votes, you got me to 1,000 votes and that made me so happy. And all the comments. All those wonderful comments made my day I'd just wake up, read them, and start smiling like an idiot. Truly, all those comments just made me want to write all day long. Thank you to all of my readers, including those who didn't vote or comment. The "silent readers" as I've heard them called. Even if you guys didn't vote or comment just seeing my amount of reads building up this far gave me all the motivation I needed to continue this story. I can't express how much I love you guys for giving me the motivation and spirit to continue this story.

A special, special, thanks to @Brallieloveforever she's one of my most amazing fans. She's left so many wonderful comments for me that have made me smile so much and I can't thank her enough!

Huge thanks to @Ornate who made my wonderful cover! I absolutely love it and it couldn't be any more perfect!

Big thanks to @novemberdreamer, @nessa129, @Scarlett-Elixer, and @MysticMadness. They made all the wonderful banners you see pinned to some of the chapters. I just want to thank you guys so much for making those wonderful banners for my story!

And now here come the thanks to my real life best friends.

First of all I want to start off with @-coriesmith-. She is the most wonderful person on the planet and she's been there for me since day one. I could always rely on her for help when I needed it, or motivational speeches when I felt like the worst person ever. I honestly couldn't be happier to be friends with this girl and don't know what I'd do without her.

Second, a big huge thanks to @fourandtrisforever because she's another one of my best friends. You all just need to inbox her or write on her message board or something because if you guys remember that huge leather span of two months when k hadn't updated at all for this story. I don't know if any of you knew, but I was seriously considering taking this book down and I asked her and she just threw a bunch of reasons a me why I shouldn't. She gave me all these new ideas while I was having my major writers' block and if it wasn't for her this story would have never succeeded. I just want to thank her so much for bringing me out my dumb moment. And if you're reading this then I want you to know that you're an amazing person and anytime you need me I will always be there for you!

Third, a very special thanks to my bestest friend in the whole wide world. She doesn't have a Wattpad but if she ever reads this then I want her to know just how much she means to me. She's the most amazing person ever! She's been with me through thick and thin, when I thought I had no friends she was always there and I can't thank her enough. I don't know what I'd do without you!

And lastly, a great big thanks to my wonderful parents. Even though they don't even know I've finished my book yet I just want to thank them so much. Every time I had the most random questions while I was sitting at my laptop they were always there to answer it and give me tips on my writing. They always encourage me to keep writing because they were convinced that my book was going to become largely famous. (Funny guys.)

And thanks so much to my brother, who put up with me when I was having my moments of anger in front of the laptop or when I got mad at him for hogging it all the time. (I still love you though.) Yes, even though it was annoying he was still there to answer all my random and awkward questions about what goes through a guys head when he's thinking something or just a random out of the blue question.

I can't thank you enough. I can't thank any of you enough because without all of you the ending of this book wouldn't have been possible and for that I want to thank you so much.

I love you guys and I'll miss you all so much, but always remember that no matter what life throws at you never give up, and everything happens for a reason!

Until next time guys!

~Katy ❤✌👋

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