Chapter 45: The Day My Life Was Never The Same

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[Banner by @MysticMadness]

We were all here; Ryan, Aunt-Hailey, and I. After Aunt-Hailey had said all she wanted to say the three of us gathered into his room while the others waited outside. I honestly still couldn't get reality to sink in. My mind wouldn't register the fact that in a few minutes my uncle would be gone. Far, far, far, away from my reach.

I shook my head. "Why are we doing this?"

"He's suffered enough, Mallie. It's time for him to be at peace." Aunt-Hailey whispered.

I knew she was right, but the only thing I could do was stand and look at my uncle, shaking my head. He looked the same as he had the day before only worse. There were tubes and wires sticking out of him; he was hooked up to at least five different machines all of which I had no idea what their purpose was and he was a pale white. His skin still had a bit of warmth, but he still wasn't the same. He wasn't my uncle anymore.

Ryan took a step closer to the one machine that was keeping my uncle alive at the moment, curling and uncurling his fists as he stood in front of it. I don't know why, but Ryan had told us he'd do it. For some reason he wanted to be the one who pressed the button.

And for that I admired my brother. How could someone have so much courage as to be able to do something like that? Knowing that you pressing a simple little button would take someones life away forever is just something I wouldn't be able to live with. It would destroy me.

"Ryan," I whispered, tears filling my eyes, " you don't have to do this."

He turned around to look at me, giving me a reassuring smile. "He'd want me to do it,"

"Ryan, honey, I know you feel like you owe this to your uncle, but you don't have to do this," she choked up, "let me--!"

He shook his head. "No," then he whispered quietly, "I can do this."

I put my hand over my mouth as he took another step closer to the machine, his hand raising towards the ON button of the machine that was keeping my uncle alive. My insides were twisting as I put my hand over my mouth choking back a loud sob as Ryan's finger inched closer to the ON button. I could feel the tears starting to cloud my vision as Ryan's finger hovered over the button.

"We love you... never forget that." Ryan whispered, before his finger pushed the button and the steady flatline of the machine echoed throughout the room.



I know it's short, but you guys have no idea how incredibly hard it was to write this chapter. It's like describing what it's like for my own family member to die. I mean it takes a lot to make me cry and this story has actually made me cry some which is very surprising for me.

But anyways thanks so much for all the reAds and comments. Please keep them coming, especially the comments because I love reading those. It's still not over, but it will be soon!

Love you all!


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