Chapter 40: Why me?

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[Banner by @nessa129]

I put my hands over my face to stop the tears from coming. Jared was speeding down the road going at least eighty on a sixty mile an hour road, desperately trying to get to the hospital. Neither one of us said a word, he just slipped his hand into mine squeezing it for reassurance as I stared out the window blankly. My mind kept repeating the words my Aunt had said.

Your Uncle

Your Uncle

And I couldn't take it anymore. I'd been strong for too long it was time to let myself go for once. So, I did exactly that. I let myself go.
I burst into tears, putting my hand over my face, so Jared couldn't see me.

"Mallie, don't cry, please, he's going to be alright," Jared whispered squeezing my hand again.

But I didn't stop crying. Everything I'd ever done to him resurfaced and I just cried harder thinking about all those horrible things.
Jared stopped the car in front of the Hospital, but as I stared at it, memories of my parents death began flashing through my mind. I came to a hospital almost exactly like this one. I sat in the car until Aunt-Hailey brought me out and we went inside. That was when I got the news. The new that both my parents had been pronounced dead at the scene of the crash.
I opened the car door, tears still streaming down my face as Jared took my hand in his and we ran into the hospital. I sprinted to the reception desk and the old lady at the front desk looked up at me with a bored face.

"What can I help you with?" she asked in the most monotonous voice I'd ever heard.
"What room is Steven Webb in?!" I said quickly, slightly tapping my hand against the desk.
She looked at the computer. "One moment,"

I turned around, anger boiling inside me as I looked into Jared's eyes tying to stop more tears from coming. He wrapped his arms around me comfortingly as my whole body shook in fear. Fear that I was going to lose someone else. Fear that I'd never get to see my Uncle again.

"I love you," he whispered, "I promise I'm not going to leave you alone to deal with this."

I couldn't say anything I was too stunned at the events that were unfolding to even do anything besides nod as the woman cleared her throat and I turned to her.

"Fourth floor, room 42." she said.

We took off towards the elevators, not even bothering to say another word to the woman who could have just cost me mere minutes with my Uncle. The whole elevator ride up Jared held my hand tightly as I tapped my foot impatiently waiting for the elevator to arrive at the fourth floor. It was like knowing the future. You're anticipating its going to happen, you know it's going to happen, but you don't want it to.

You don't want it to.

Every minute I'm standing here could be crucial. Every minute wasted waiting for this stupid elevator to get to the fourth floor could mean less minutes spent with my Uncle. I honestly don't even know if he's alive right now. The mere thought of that made my stomach churn and tears want to spill over any minute.
As the elevator opened I sprinted with Jared right beside me the whole time, to my Uncle's room, where I saw Ryan and Aunt-Hailey standing outside the door.

"Ryan!" I yelled.

He turned his head towards me as I ran into his arms and he held me tightly, not letting me go.

I pulled away from him. "Please tell me he's ok!" I cried.
Ryan shook his head and for a moment it looked like he was going to cry too. "He's on life support," he whispered, "the doctor's don't know if he's going to make it."
My eyes welled up with tears. "No!" I cried.
"What happened?" Jared asked.
"There was a car crash, it was a head on collision, the person that was driving in the other car didn't make it," Ryan said.

No. This can't happen. This can't happen.

"Mrs. Webb?" I heard the voice of a doctor say as my Aunt turned to them.
"How is he?!" she pleaded.

The doctor looked at her gravely as she waited for their answer, but I already knew what they were going to say as I put my hand over my mouth, backing up into Jared's chest.

This can't be happening.

My whole world has just come crashing down, just as I'd put it back together.

"We're sorry," the doctor said, "he's not going to make it."


I almost literally cried writing this chapter. Please don't hate.


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