Chapter 17: Almost... Almost

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When I woke up I found myself in the familiar warmth of my covers as I pulled them up closer to my chin. That was until I remembered that I'd never actually made it to my bed last night.

I immediately bolted upright, my eyes widening.

"How the hell did I get in my bed last night?" I whispered.

That was when I heard the sound of a toilet flushing and I immediately knew the answer. Ryan never wakes up at seven in the morning, so there obviously was only one explanation as to who it was.

I got up quickly and opened my room door, just as Jared came walking out of the bathroom—still not wearing a shirt, which was a huge distraction when I tried to talk to him.

He looked at me. "Hey,"

I opened my mouth, my eyes still looking at his six pack, before I quickly looked up at him. "How did I get in my bed last night?"

He scratched the back of his head. "I... carried you."


"Because you fell asleep in my arms."

"Oh, my gosh—" I whispered as I looked up, but the only thing my eyes kept landing on was his six pack, "—okay please put a shirt on! Don't you know how distracting that is?!"

Only when I looked at his face he was smirking.

"What?!" I cried.

He looked like he was trying to suppress his smirk. "Are you—Are you attracted to me?" he seemed a bit smug.

"No," I laughed, shaking my head, "no, I'm not."

He took a step closer to me and I pressed my lips together tightly; only that was when he took another step closer and my breath hitched in my throat. I looked up at him and he cupped his hand on my cheek, just the way he had last night. I literally had to suppress the sigh that wanted to come out of my mouth.

His lips were slowly coming towards mine and I couldn't bring myself to push him away. The only thought going through my brain was to just kiss him, but I also couldn't let myself move. I couldn't decide whether or not I wanted to go ahead and lean in or if I just wanted to stand and wait for him to kiss me. Because God knows how much I really wanted to kiss him. And God also knew how wrong this was, but I couldn't care less at the moment.

Just as his lips were literally about to press against mine and I was beginning to close my eyes I heard the doorknob of Ryan's room start to turn and I immediately shoved Jared's chest as hard as I could.

I gulped, running my hands through my hair as Ryan emerged from behind the door, his hair sticking up in all directions, shirtless, with his eyes half open.

"Hey, Ryan!" I said a bit too enthusiastically.

He looked at Jared—with his eyes still half open—furrowing his eyebrows, before he looked back at me. "What're you doing?" he asked, suspiciously.

"I—uh—I was just going to the bathroom." I said, nodding my head quickly.

He eyed me before looking at Jared. "What're you doing?" he asked.

Jared's eyes turned from the floor to Ryan. "Da—I was—I was just getting out of her way." he nodded his head as I pressed my lips together tightly, walking rather quickly into the bathroom, before shutting and locking the door.

I sighed, leaning my head against the door. "What the hell am I doing?" I whispered. 

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