Chapter 1: My Brother's Best Friend

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  • Dedicated to My Beautiful Mother


"Hey, Mallie," Ryan yelled from up the stairs, "Jared's coming over, so like don't bug me!"

I shook my head. "Whatever," I muttered.

You know having older brothers really suck. They're always acting like they're your dad and it's extremely annoying, especially when your Aunt and Uncle aren't home either. It's just worse when they aren't here.

The doorbell rang and I ran to get it hoping it was Anna or one of my other volleyball buddies, but when I opened the door it wasn't anybody I expected. Before me stood a tall guy about six foot, I'd say. His hair was like a light golden brown and when I looked into his eyes my heart skipped a beat. They were a deep, almost crystal blue that you could just stare into all day.

I had to admit, out of all of Ryan's friends he was by far the cutest. But who am I kidding he's a junior he probably has a girlfriend anyways.

"Uh, hi," he said, pressing his lips together, "I'm Jared."

"Mallie (MA-LEEEEE not Molly)," I replied smiling.

"Is uhhhh, Ryan there?" he asked.

"Yeah, come on in." I said. "Ryan Jared's here!"

"Yeah, yeah," he said walking in. "How you doing man?"

They did some sort of weird bro hug thing, so I just went back into the kitchen and continued to put the dishes away until they came in. Ryan grabbed everything we had out of the pantry including my favorite glazed doughnuts that I hid from him almost every day.

"Ryan!" I laughed. "Those are mine!" I snatched the doughnuts out of his hand.
He looked at me with an are-you-serious look. "Mallie!" he whined. "Come on you never even let me have one of those because you always hide them from me!"

Ok, listen, when it comes to my doughnuts no one touches them. So, I'm attached to doughnuts, but who cares, anyways every time I do offer him some he ends up eating every single one of them when I'm not looking.

"Because you always eat all of them when I'm not looking!" I cried, my eyes flickering to Jared who was smirking at me.

I tried to contain the smile from spreading onto my lips when I looked at him, but with him smirking at me like that it was really hard. That smirk was so hot, that I couldn't help but smile. Ryan looked back at Jared and then back at me, so I pretended like I wasn't smiling at him when indeed I was smiling at him.

Before Ryan could say anything to either one of us the doorbell rang and he went to get it.

I looked at Jared and he looked back at me and we just stood there for a long while until I gave him one of my flirtatious smiles.

I went back to putting the dishes away to distract myself from him because he was so attractive; it was hard not to look at him. I had almost put all the dishes away, but then there was that last dish that went on the top shelf that I was so short I couldn't reach. Deciding not to ask Jared I tried my hardest to get it up there, but I just couldn't reach it. I cursed under my breath until I felt a hand on my waist and a voice in my ear.

"Let me do that for you," he whispered taking the bowl from me and easily putting it on the top shelf.

I blushed looking down at my feet, but I think he saw me. Afraid to look back into his eyes, I somehow gathered enough courage to do so, holding his arm for support that was snaked around my waist with his hand on the small of my back. I felt this tingly feeling where I could feel the heat of his palm on my back. Without even realizing it I think the both of us were leaning forward towards each other, gradually, inch by inch.

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