Chapter 47: The Funeral

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A/N: Ok, so guys something happened to my wattpad. I updated at like twelve last night because I almost had the chapter done and I just wanted you guys to be able to read so I stayed up and finished it. Then after I was done I didn't check and see if the chapter had actually been posted and when I woke up this morning that's what I did. Only I came to find out that only half the chapter was there.

Oops. I didn't mean to leave you guys off on a cliffhanger.

But yeah, so hopefully this is the full version of it.

I stared at myself in the mirror, looking at my face, thinking about my uncle and what he had said. Whether what really happened, did happen, or if it was just some fantasy that I had made up to give me closure.

I feel like deep down I know it was real because I'd never be able to make up something like that. I couldn't make up something where my uncle told me that I needed to let him go and live my life. There's no way I could possibly do that because if it wasn't for what he'd told I wouldn't be doing what I'm about to do at the moment. I'd just be sitting back in my room, staring at the wall for the rest of my life.

The funeral was today and as much as I didn't want to go and see all those people stare at me while I was giving a speech I knew I needed to go. I couldn't let my uncle's legacy be forgotten. He at least deserved that much... to be recognized for all the good he's done, and to be remembered, even if it isn't for a very long time.

I'd written a speech last night, it'd taken me hours upon hours to do it, but I'd done it. There was a pile of crumpled up papers beside my bed, because every time I'd wrote the speech I knew it wasn't good enough. It wasn't good enough for him to be remembered. It took me a while. and even though it isn't as good as I'd hoped for, I know he'll be remembered. And I know it won't be forever, but at least it's long enough.

I heard the door open, so I slowly looked over, finding Jared standing in my doorway, wearing a suit and tie. He looked at me gravely, before taking a few steps forward and wrapping his arms around me as I returned the gesture, burying my face in his chest.

"You know you don't have to do this." he whispered.

"Yes, I do." I replied, pulling out of his chest. "He deserves this from me."

I had told Jared what I'd seen. I'd told him about the whole thing and not once did he laugh at me or think I was crazy. In fact he was the only I'd told because I felt like he was the only only one who'd believe me.

Jared sighed. "God, I'm so sorry Mallie. You don't deserve any of this."

"Everything happens for a reason." I whispered.

I could feel him shaking his head. "You always manage to find something positive out of every negative situation."

"I wouldn't have been able to do it without my uncle." I whispered.

He didn't say anything we both just stayed silent for a moment as he held me tightly in his arms.

"Mallie, honey," I heard my Aunt's hoarse, cracked voice say.

I'd spent the last few days locked up in my room, just worrying about myself and being as selfish as I could ever be that I didn't realize that my Aunt was going through the same situation that I was... only it was worse. She had just lost the love of her life. The one person she could count on for everything. The person she had planned on spending the rest of her life with.

I pulled away from Jared and went over to stand in front her as I stared at her. She had dark circles under her eyes her face looked like she hasn't slept in weeks. This was not the women I once knew to be happy and positive about everything in life.

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