Chapter 19: Things Are Changing

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Sunday was always a day to be religious in my family. It didn't matter where you were, where you lived, what religion you were, in my family Sunday was always a church day. There wasn't a Sunday that we didn't go to church. It was just a tradition in my family. And we weren't even like a certain religion; we just went to whatever church we felt like that day.

That was the thing I loved about my family. We were spontaneous. We never really stuck to the same thing. It was always something different. And I always loved different.

After church, for the rest of the day it was just like a lazy day, but for some reason today was just different. I didn't feel like lying in my bed and watching Netflix. Today was going to be different.

So, after church (I didn't bother changing clothes.) I told Aunt-Hailey I was going to go hang out at one of the local cafes. It was literally one of my most favorite cafes. They had anything you'd ever want there. I just liked to go there and hang out for no other reason than to just enjoy life.

When I got there I ordered what I always order—a caramel Frappuccino—before pulling out my phone and surfing through social media. After about five minutes my drink arrived and I began taking small drinks of it while surfing through random people's profile.

Somehow—I don't know how—I ended up on Jared's profile. I scrolled down, before reading his bio.

NYC||2nd Best Wide Receiver In The State|| D1 Bound

My eyes almost bulged out of my skull when I realized how many followers he had. The number was over five thousand. I suddenly felt very, very unimportant. I only had six hundred followers.

How could he not have five thousand followers? I mean have you seen him?

There really was no denying it. He was good looking and obviously he was good at football too, so that just added on top of everything. And I mean his eyes. His eyes are just indescribable. It was like looking into a deep sea blue abyss of emotions. Those eyes were literally just absolutely perfect.

And when I scrolled down and saw pictures of him with Ryan the growing crush I had on him couldn't help but grow even more. He was just so hot. How could anyone ever compare to him?

"So, do you enjoy stalking me in your free time?" a voice said as I jumped in my seat, covering my mouth with my hand and beginning to laugh as I realized who it was.

I inhaled sharply from laughing. "What are you doing here?"

Jared chuckled, scratching the back of his head. "I kinda followed you,"

"Why?" I asked, laughing a little.

He put his forearms on the table and leaned forward a bit. "So that I could have an actual conversation with you without Ryan interrupting us every five seconds."

"Well," I smiled, "what'd you wanna talk about?"

He shrugged. "I don't know, what's your favorite color?"

"What's my favorite color?!" I burst out laughing. "You followed me to ask me what my favorite color was?"

He smiled, trying not to laugh. "Yeah,"

I giggled, looking down at my lap before looking back up at him and admiring his wonderful smile. "Blue, but not like a regular blue like a sky blue or a crystal blue." I nodded, smiling.

"Is that why you spend so much time looking into my eyes?" he grinned.

I reached over and gave his shoulder a push as he laughed and I tried not to blush.

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