Chapter 15: My BFF is a Terd

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"So..." Anna drawled on as we walked into her room.

Anna's room was like the typical teenage girl's room. She had countless posters of famous hot guys and boy bands taped up all over her room. The selection included: Dylan O'Brien, Cameron Dallas, Josh Hutcheson, Liam Hemsworth, One Direction, Five Seconds of Summer, etc. Anna was obsessed with hot guys, especially if they were hot guys in boy bands. She's a complete fanatic.

"So?" I asked as I set my backpack down next to her bed—not to mention her covers were Cameron Dallas too.

She smiled mischievously. "What's up with you and Jared?"

"Um," I lied, "nothing. Why would you even ask me that?"

"Because a little bird told me he's the new TA in your Geometry class."

My mouth dropped. Who in the world even knew—Jason.

"Jason," I whispered as she giggled.

"He also said that you two were flirting with each other,"

"We were not flirting!" I cried. "We were just... talking!"

Anna's smile kept flickering, until she burst out laughing. "Don't lie Mallie, you were flirting,"

"Were not,"

"Were too,"

"Were not!"

"Were too!"

"You don't even know what I said to him!" I countered.

Anna started talking in a deep voice. "'Do you need help?'" girly voice. "'No!'" deep voice. "'Yeah you do,'" girly voice again, "'No, I don't,'" deep voice again, "'Yep,'"

My mouth dropped. "That is not how it happened!"

"Really?" Anna smiled. "Then how did it happen?"

"He wouldn't leave me alone!"

"Sure," Anna smiled, "that's totally how it happened."

"Shut up," I mumbled.

"Now that I sit down and think about it you two would be a pretty cute couple."

"Anna!" I cried. "I just broke up with Nathan!"

"Who was a complete and total douchebag that never deserved a minute of your time! Jared," she smiled, "well I'd say he's pretty sweet and a total jokester."

I smiled when she'd said that. The memories of him tumbling down the stairs yesterday appeared in mind and I couldn't help myself from giggling. It was too funny.

"What?" Anna asked.

"Yesterday Jared tried to steal my doughnuts and while he was running away from me he tripped down the stairs," I smiled.

"He was at your house!" Anna screamed.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Yeah, he's there like every day, did you forget he's Ryan's best friend?"

"No, but he was never there that frequently,"

"What are you talking about?" I wondered.

"He likes you!"

I raised my eyebrow. "No, he doesn't,"

"And how would you know that?" Anna crossed her arms over her chest.

"Because why would he like me? He's like unbelievably hot and--!"

"I KNEW IT!" Anna screamed. "You like him!" she pronounced triumphantly.

Damn it. Sometimes I hate her. 


Hey thanks for reading guys! So yeah I added in a lot of new chapters and I hope you like them! I'm not quite finished editing I just thought that if I added in these new chapters now the book would somewhat make sense to you all. Sorry if it doesn't, but I'll try to get entire book edited quickly. This is how far I've gotten so far. Hope you all enjoy the newly edited chapters!

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