Chapter 28: The Tables Have Turned

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-Mallie's POV-

I opened my eyes, finding myself in my old room back when I use to live with mom and dad. It's strange because I never thought I'd be back here again, but here I am standing in the doorway of my room.

"Mallie?!" the familiar voice of my mother rang in my ears.
My head snapped in her direction. I never thought I'd be able to see her again. "Mom!" I cried, throwing myself into her arms and almost bursting into tears.
"Oh honey, I've missed you so much!" she cried stroking my hair. "Look at you, you're so beautiful!" she smiled.
"My daughter has grown up to be the most wonderful person I could have imagined." the one and only voice of my father said as he smiled.
"Dad!" I cried as I threw my arms around his neck. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked pulling away from him with a smile.
Their smiles faded. "I think the real question is what are to doing here?" my mother said.
"What do you mean?" I wondered shaking my head at both of them.
"Mallie, you're in a coma right now." my father said.
My eyes started to water. "So, you mean this isn't real, it's just a fantasy inside my head?"
"Mallie, this isn't a fantasy. This, us, we're real, but we're not actually here with you. You know where we're at and I need you to understand that as tempting as it is to stay you have to leave." my mother pleaded with me. "You can't stay here."
A tear rolled down my cheek. "Why not?!" I cried. "I want to stay with you!"
"No, Mallie, you know what happens if you stay and we don't want that for you! You have a whole life ahead of you! Just think what would happen to your Aunt ad Uncle if you don't go back?! Or your brother?! Do you have any idea how much that would affect them?!" dad pleaded. "You have to go back!"
"Mom," I whispered, "dad, I won't ever get to see you again!"
"We'll always be with you, sweetheart, in here," she said, pointing to my heart.
"I wish I could stay, but I understand what you guys are saying. If I don't go back I die and that doesn't just effect me it effects everyone."
My mother smiled, tears coming to her eyes. "I love you, Mallie!" she cried as she wrapped me in a tight hug.
"I love you too mom!" I whispered tears running down my face. Then I turned to dad and threw my arms around him. "Oh dad, you have no idea how much I miss you! Ryan and I never stop thinking about you guys. Just remember that, ok?"
"We will," they both said in unison.

I started to make my way out of the house. I went to the front door and opened it, but was stopped before I could go any farther by my father.

"And Mallie," he said as I turned to look at him. "No matter what happens... don't let him go."

Before I could ask him what that meant I was whisked away into the deep deep darkness. Falling into nothingness.

Two days later...

I opened my eyes slowly, finding myself in a hospital room with an oxygen mask on my face.My eyes wondered around the room and I found someone laying their head down at the side of my bed. He had light brown hair with natural blonde streaks and I wouldn't say it was a dirty blonde because it was more light brown than blonde. And the blonde streaks weren't exactly that noticeable either. When I tried to move my right hand I found it tightly laced with his hand. Who did this guy think he was? I moved my hand and his head shot straight up. His hair was sticking up in all kinds of different directions and he had dark circles under his eyes. To be honest he was really cute. Our eyes locked and he looked in shock.

"M-m-Mallie!" he whispered.

Slowly, I pulled the oxygen mask off my face and stared at him.

"Who are you?" I whispered.
"W-w-what?" he stuttered looking at me with a confused expression. "Mallie, it's me, Jared." he said.
"I'm sorry," I replied, shaking my head , "I don't know who you are."

He looked like he'd been shot. The pain in his eyes was glowing to no end, but he quickly masked it.

"I'll be right back," he said, quickly getting up and leaving.

He quickly returned with my Aunt, Uncle, Ryan, and a doctor.

"Oh my gosh!" Aunt-Hailey cried throwing her arms around me as did the rest of my family.
The doctor sighed. "Would you all step outside for a moment?"

They all reluctantly, but the one I'd found in my room when I woke up looked at me his eyes were filled with sadness. I suddenly felt sorry for him.

"Alright I'm going to ask you a couple of questions and I need you to respond with all honesty." he said as I looked him in the eye and nodded.
"Do you know what your name is?" he asked, sitting down with a notepad in his hand.
"Mallie Lauren Webb," I replied.
"Who are your parents and siblings?" he asked. "And who do you live with currently?"

I don't understand why he's asking me all these questions because I obviously know the answers.

"Karen and Michael Webb were my parents and I have one brother Ryan Webb. I currently live with my Aunt and Uncle, Hailey and Steven Webb." I replied furrowing my eyebrows.
"Do you know why you live with your Aunt and Uncle?" he asked.
"My parents died in a car crash when I was fourteen."
"Ok, good," he said scribbling something down on his notepad, "now Mallie do you know why you're in the hospital?"

I tried to remember, but I just couldn't come up with anything. I sighed in frustration and I think he got the idea.

"You don't remember?" he asked looking at me. I shook my head and he seemed a little frustrated. "I'll be right back," he replied and went out into the hallway.

I could hear the faint sound of the doctor's voice and the boy, that I think he said his name was Jared. The doctor came back in and asked me a couple more questions. Do you remember Jared? No. Who was the last person I remember being with besides someone I was related to? Nathan. As far as I'm concerned he was my boyfriend, but something in the back of my mind was telling me that he wasn't.

"Thank you for your time." the doctor said. "I'll let your visitors come in now.

The first to come in was Aunt-Hailey. We spent most of the time talking about everything I remembered. Then she got on the subject of the guy whose name was Jared that was apparently my boyfriend right now.
When she left Ryan and Uncle-Steven came in. They asked me how I was and how I felt things like that. They didn't being up anything about Jared or the things I couldn't remember and I silently thanked them for it. I didn't feel like talking about those things. It was just a little hard because this losing my memory didn't just hurt me it hurt others around me too.
They left to go eat lunch and I was left alone for a while, so I decided to lay my head down for a little bit. I was about to fall asleep. My eyelids were drooping, until I heard the door open and the boy named Jared walked in.

He saw me almost asleep then said. "I'll let you sleep."
I lifted my head up before he could leave. "Wait," I said. "stay."

I could've sworn I just saw him smile when he turned around, but if he did he erased all evidence of it from his face. He pulled the chair up to the foot of my bed and sat down. It was kind if awkward because I goes toy don't know why I asked him t stay. Something in the back of my mind just kicked in.

"Do you remember who I am?" he asked, with a certain glow in his eyes, but I couldn't quite figure out what it was.
"Ummm," I started, but trailed off. I couldn't recall any memories of him at all, but I'm pretty sure he knew that already.
"I'll take that as a no," he said, looking down at the floor.
I sighed. "Look, Jared," I piddled with my thumbs, "I'm really sorry that I don't remember you, but maybe we can use this as a fresh start?" I asked shrugging my shoulders.
"Yeah," he whispered, "that's what I'm afraid of."


Hey, thanks for reading guys. I have a really bad feeling that you guys hate me right now for the plot twist, but I thought it would be a good twist. Anyway thanks for nine hundred reads I'm so close to 1K!!!!!!!!
Don't forget...






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