Kirari Momobami

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(F/N)'s POV:

"W-what a second, K-Kirari!" I exclaimed, putting my hands on her shoulders, trying to push her away from me.

"Come on~No one's around, we're not hurting anyone~" Kirari cooed in my ear as she nuzzled into my neck, leaving small kisses. Currently, Kirari and I were in the Student Council office. I was sitting on top of the table while she was standing in between my legs in front of me. One of her hands were on my thigh and the other one was resting beside me.

"D-don't leave anything!" I said when I felt Kirari start to gently nibble on my neck, which then lead to her biting and sucking on it, leaving multiple hickeys.

"H-hey! I told you not to n-not anything!" I yelled, moving my hand up to feel my neck, wincing at the feeling of hickeys littering my neck. Kirari just smirked at my flustered expression before putting her hand on top of my head, ruffling my (H/C) hair.

I closed my eyes and leaned into her shoulder, letting her continue to pet my head. I felt myself start to drift off, so I closed my eyes and nuzzled into her shoulder, slowly starting to fall asleep.

Kirari smiled and kisses my head, running her fingers through my hair.

"You are just the cutest thing, (F/N)~"

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