Kirari Momobami

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I will be using he/him pronouns for the reader.


Everyone was excited this week, and it wasn't about gambling. The Student Council had pulled some strings and managed to get performers to come to the academy; Yumemi Yumemite being one of them. One of the performers that would be there was (F/N) (L/N), a very popular singer with twenty albums. He's had many collabs with various people, which was one of the reasons he became so known around the world.

There will be a total of ten acts at the academy. Students were pretty disappointed that there weren't more, but there were also plenty of grateful and excited students who couldn't wait for the day to come. The Student Council President herself was feeling excited for this event, mostly because her significant other would be performing in it. (F/N) and Kirari had been together for about two years now, but no one knew about it because neither of them wanted all of that unnecessary drama, so they kept their love life a secret. Not even the other Student Council members knew about their relationship.

Even though Kirari was always very busy, she always made sure to listen to every new song of (F/N)'s that came out. She would even attend his shows sometimes. (F/N) knew that she couldn't be there all the time, and he didn't mind. He knows that she loves him and he supports what he does.

• • •

"Can you believe the day is almost here!?" Yumemi exclaimed as she jumped up and down around Yuriko, who wasn't very interested in the event. Kaede rolled his eyes and continued to type on his computer, trying not to listen to their conversation. Kirari just sat in here chair looking down at the table. Nobody could tell, but she was very excited. She could hardly wait for the event to come.

• • •

The event had finally arrived. The performers were all here, and were getting set up outside. All of the students were already waiting in the audience, and the Student Council was sitting off to the side where they could still see the stage. Kirari was so excited that she was smiling; not smirking, but an actual smile was on her face. After things got started, everyone just sat back and watched.

• • •

Things were going well and the show was halfway finished, there were five acts left. (F/N) would be performing last. He had seen every one else go one, and he was impressed with all of them, they were some talented people. He wasn't crazy about Yumemi's performance, but he still thought she was talented, considering she had an entire fan club that only stayed for her act, they all left after she left.

Finally, (F/N) was on. He got everything ready, and people were clapping when he got up on stage. He smiled at them and said a few words before putting his mic in the stand.

"I would like to dedicate this next song to someone very special in my life, to someone who has been there for me since day one. This one's for you."

• • •

After (F/N) finished his song, people were up on their feet applauding him, even the Student Council. (F/N) then turned his head and looked Kirari in the eye.

"I love you, Kirari Momobami."

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