Author's Note

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I would like to talk about something. It's not exactly a rant, I would just like to get it off my chest.

I don't have any major dreams. Yes, I do write on here, but I honestly think of writing much more of a hobby, not my full time passion.

I have been offered to join different platforms twice, but I declined both times for two reasons:

1. I hate change

2. My books are no where near good enough to be paid for

You might have a different opinion, but there are so many amazing books out there that deserve to be recognized, books that are a whole lot better than mine.

I don't write to get paid, I write because I like it.

Even if I did change platforms, it wouldn't change my mind about my books. They just aren't good enough to get paid for.

Since I don't have any dream jobs, I'm scared I won't make it in the future. Even if I do get a job, I feel like it wouldn't be anything major. I'm not trying to sound spoiled, I would just like to have a good-paying job so I can survive in the future.

I may write on here, but I could never create full on books. I can't make up my own plot or characters, and most of the ideas I get aren't even mine! I always make sure to credit whoever gave me the idea.

I'm honestly pretty scared. I just want to be known.

I am a very lonely person. I like writing because there are so many people who read my books and express how much they love it. That's another reason I write: for the recognition. I love that so many people read and love my books.

It makes me forget how lonely I am, sometimes.

Say whatever you want, but I love all the love I get. I write to get that love. I love it, I love the comments I get, and I love all the positive energy there is.

I don't want that to go away.

I have cried many times because I think I will grow up alone. I won't have any friends or even be in a relationship because I keep to myself.

If people got to know me, they would find out that I'm an okay person to be around.

I don't want to grow up alone.

Kakegurui OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now