Kirari Momobami

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Kirari had been feeling very strange lately.

Ever since she became Student Council President, she was seen as a sadistic, cruel, manipulative, and overall just a bad person. It never really got to her.

Until now.

You see, Kirari was also in a secret relationship with (F/N); probably one of the nicest people in that school. Even when gambling, they never rubbed it in their opponents' faces. They just take their winnings and move on. Kirari had started feeling weird when she and they started dating. Kirari felt like (F/N) deserved someone much better than Kirari.

Kirari didn't share these feelings with (F/N) because she thought they would eventually go away. She waited several weeks for these feelings to stop, but they never did.

Kirari then began comparing herself to others, pointing out how different their personalities are. The students at the academy somehow seemed much nicer.

It got to the point where Kirari would avoid (F/N) at all costs, making them worry about her. They had tried texting and calling Kirari most of the day, but Kirari never did answer any of them.

Even the Student Council members had noticed this change, but they were too afraid to confront her about it.

This was really scaring (F/N). They had tried talking to Kirari, but either gets short answers, or no answers at all. Kirari could see how sad (F/N) was, but she would just let one of the students comfort them. This kills Kirari, but she can't bring herself to admit how she's been feeling.

• • •

(F/N)'s POV:

I had somehow convinced Kirari to come over for the weekend. I just spammed her with texts until she finally agreed.

When she got here, she was already being distant. She wouldn't sit next to me, she pull away when I'd try to touch her, and she seemed nervous.

Having had enough of this, I grab her shoulders and pushed her down, crawling on top of her and pinning her hands to her sides. I looked at her right in the eyes.

"What's wrong?"

Immediately after I asked her that, she broke down in tears. She told me about how she had been feeling and how she thought I deserved someone much better than her.

I let go of her wrists and hugged her.

"Kirari, I have and always will love you, I know you aren't known to be the nicest person on Earth, but I don't care! I have always loved you for you and nothing will ever, ever change that."

She started to quietly sob and I hugged her tighter. After a few hours of me assuring her, I pushed her back down again, pinning her hands above her head.

"I'll show you how beautiful you are, just you wait, Baby."

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