💜 porsche panamera

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Tae's pov:
It was finally 2.50 pm. 10 more minutes for our classes to be over, I am very nervous right now, what will chim think about me. Will he be mad at me? Will he stop talking to me? Will he leave me and find a new soulmate? Ohh gosh what am I thinking. How will my soulmate leave me, I am so stupid to have such thoughts. He may be mad at me or even shout at me for hiding, but he will never leave my side. Ok , now, I have to think about how to tell my secret to him . Some day he himself will find , I shouldn't wait till then. I should tell him soon. Now the question is, will he accept me or think that I am a weirdo? My mind was a mess. Until chim held my hand, when I looked at him he had a worried expression.

Chim: tae, is everything fine? What are you having in your mind? I have been calling you for a while but you were in your deep thoughts.

Tae: nothing chim, i was just thinking about something.

He was about to ask something but the bell rang.

I started to pack my things and told chim to do the same.

Tae: ok chim, let's go now. Shall we?

Chim: hhm----ok tae.

He said a little unsure.

Tae: ohh come on, don't worry i will tell you what I was thinking when we reach there. Is it ok? He just hummed and gave a small smile. After that I dragged him to the exit. But he stopped me.

Chim: tae wait, what bout my car.

Tae: ohh, did you bring it today?

He looked at me in disbelief

Chim: don't you know i bring my son here everyday. He is my baby, how can you ask a silly question like that huh? Oh my god!!!! my baby will never move from this place if he knew he was offended.....

He kept ranting about his precious car. Now it was my turn to look at him in disbelief. Oh God how can a person be this dramatic...

Tae: your son can take a nap here. As we are gonna walk to that place. You can pick your son afterwards.

Chim: is your favorite place that near? Where are you taking me tae? I can't wait to see it.....

Tae: stop asking questions chim. You yourself can see the place when we reach there.

Saying this we walked to my favourite place.

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