💜 win you back

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A/n pov:

Tae has been thinking about what jungkook said. His bunny hyung finally gave up on him. Wow, tae so good!! You hurt the person who loves you like crazy, something in him kept mocking him. The words kook said kept playing in his head and he wasn't able to think of anything else. He didn't know why his moods are shifting so rapidly. He noticed it. Suddenly he feels happy for no reason and suddenly he turns sour, then it turns sad and sometimes he tends to overthink a lot and other times gets irritated for silly reasons. He doesn't know what's happening to him. It's getting frustrating day by day and messing his little head so much.

What should he do now? He's been nothing but a pain in the ass. Now his hyung finally let him go as he made him mad with his stupid words. His behaviour is getting worse day by day, And he knows it but don't know the reason behind his own behaviour. Now he is sad, Very sad and confused. He wants to slip so badly and wants to ease the pain in his heart and the confusion in his head but he wants to be a little in his bunny hyung's arms. He wants to tell his Jungkookie hyung how he feels right now. He wants to let him know he's feeling sick these days. He wants to say hundreds of sorry and hug Jungkook so tight and tell him how much jungkook means to him and how he can't live without him. He didn't mean any of those words he said, it just happened to slip from his mouth without realisation.

As he was thinking of a way to make up with his hyung the door opened and Jimin walked in with food.

Tae: chim h-hyung can you take me to Kookie hyung? Please, please.

Tae asked as soon as Jimin entered the room. Jimin frowned hearing jungkook's name being said.

Jimin: But I saw him coming this way

Jimin asked confused. where did that bastard go leaving tae all alone?

Tae: Hyung he came here but I said some very m-mean things to him. I d-didn't mean to say those t-things hyungie. I d-don't know why I'm being a m-meanie head. I should say sorry. I should say now.

Tae kept rambling trying to explain why he need to go see jungkook right now. Just then namjin entered the room along with hobi. When he saw tae was about to cry all the three rushed to him with worried looks on their faces.

Hobi: Tae what happened? Where's jungkook?

Hobi questioned looking around and tae burst into tears and told them what happened just a while ago and what happened at the mansion.

Jin: Tae why would you ask such a stupid question!? Do you know how worried he was? How much he love you? Then how can you say something like that?

Jin scolded tae with a frown and joon side hugged jin telling him not to scold the younger. On the other hand, jimin was hugging tae and rubbing circles on his back trying to calm his cries. Tae just kept shedding silent tears not knowing what to say. He knows he's wrong and he knows he needs to apologise.

Hobi: Tae please don't cry. It's okay, it's okay. Kook will understand that you didn't mean anything you said.

Hobi said softly totally worried about tae and the baby inside. He knows tae's emotions must be all over the place and he didn't mean anything he said. He knows How much the younger should be confused about what was happening to his body. Jin, namjoon, and jimin still didn't know tae was having another life In him. They just happened to come to the room at the same time to see tae.

Tae: B-but but he t-told me to find s-someone better hyungie!! Does he n-not want me?

Tae asked with a sad pout, his lips wobbled and tears welled up in his almond eyes. And hobi frowned at the information. The audacity of the coconut head to tell tae to find someone else after making him pregnant? And he fucking explained to him that tae is not alone and he has another life growing in him and still jungkook chose to tell tae to find someone else.

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