💜 only mine

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A/n pov:

After getting ready Jungkook and tae went down to eat their breakfast but what they didn't expect was to see their family members in the hall along with jimin, Jungkook rolled his eyes in annoyance when he heard the voice of a certain little brat.

Sang-hoon: Taetaeeee!!!!

Sang-hoon happily yelled and was about to run towards tae who smiled big but a certain hand caught his hoodie and pulled him back.

Jimin: Yah!! Brat sit still! He will come here.

Jimin scolded making the little guy pout.

Hamzy: Mama dada!!

Hamzy who was on Lisa's lap squealed seeing her parents walking their way.
Jungkook had a protective arm around tae's waist and their steps were slow. Tae was about to run down the stairs so jungkook had to lie that his knee hurt as he banged it somewhere, so tae told jungkook to hold him for support and walk slowly. That's how they ended up taking baby steps down the stairs.

Tae: My baby!!

Tae excitedly squealed leaving jungkook's side and rushing to his sweet baby. And a sense of panic rushed into jungkook's heart when he saw tae running fast, what if he trips? He thought and came up with an idea to stop tae from running.

Jungkook: Ouch!!

Jungkook fake yelped pretending to be in pain, tae stopped on his track when he heard kook's cries.

Tae: Hyung I'm sorry!!

Tae said worriedly and rushed back to jungkook and held him. Jungkook once again held tae's waist and acted as if he was supporting himself.

Tae: I-I'm sorry hyungie!! I didn't mean to leave you, I just....just got excited seeing our baby.

Tae rambled sniffling cutely and suddenly he started to cry making jungkook panic and the others worried.

Jimin: Yah!! Jeon why would you make him cry!?

Jimin hissed angrily glaring at jungkook.

Jungkook: Baby!! I'm not hurt!! See I'm all good now angel.

Jungkook said panicked and started to jump up and down telling tae that he was not hurt and jimin just facepalmed when he did that. Tae stared at jungkook with teary eyes when he saw his hyung was completely fine.

Tae: T-then w-why did you lie to me?

Tae asked wiping his tears with his hoodie paw with pouty lips, making everyone coo at him for his cuteness.

Jimin: Because he's a coconut head tae,
Now come here and give me a hug!! I was waiting for you.

Jimin called opening his arms and who was tae to deny his cute soulmate's hug? So tae immediately went to jimin and hugged him, jimin hugged tae placing his arms around tae's small waist with a warm smile. The sight made a certain bunny Jealous. Actually, two bunnies were Jealous. One was pouting and the other was glaring at Jimin's hand which was on tae's waist.

Sang-hoon: Jiminie hyung!! Let me hug my taetae!!

Sang-hoon pouted as he tugged Jimin's shirt who ignored him completely. Tae then broke the hug with jimin and hugged Sang-hoon who happily hugged his boy crush and jungkook was fuming in pure jealousy.

Hamzy: Mama mama!! Baby hug!!

Hamzy asked pointing at herself with a pout on her cute little face and tae melted then and there.

Tae: My sweet baby come here to mama.

Tae called as he crouched down And opened his arms for Hamzy who immediately rushed to tae after getting down from Lisa's lap, who let hamzy go with an unwilling pout. When hamzy reached tae she nuzzled to tae's neck hugging him tightly, inhaling his calming scent. Hamzy loves how her mama smells. It always made her feel safe and wa

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