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A/n pov:

Tae shut his eyes when his hyung kissed him. He held on to kook's biceps opening his mouth a little for jungkook's tongue to invade his mouth sending shivers down his spine, he felt jungkook cold hand slip into his shirt and softly caress his stomach making him gasp in the kiss. When he felt short of breath he hit on jungkook's chest signalling him to give him a break. Jungkook broke the kiss and dived into his neck sucking the soft skin.

Tae: B-bunny hyung w-we are in the hos-hospit-aghhhh~

Tae moaned when jungkook bit his neck and then sucked the same spot without caring where they are.

Tae: hyungie w-wait till me ge-get ba~

He wasn't able to complete his sentence as jungkook once again claimed his plump lips, jungkook hands still didn't leave tae's tummy and kept rubbing it in a calming way. Jungkook was so lost in kissing tae that he didn't notice the door opening.


Hobi yelled angrily and marched forward to beat the shit out of jungkook. Tae flinched at the sudden voice and pushed jungkook lightly making him groan. At the same time, jimin and yuta happened to come there after eating their lunch the two immediately rushed to their best friend to check on him. and hobi rushed to jungkook to pull his ears and wack his head.

Jimin: my sweet soulmate do you feeling better now? Does it hurt anywhere? We were so worried taebear!! You scared the shit out of me!!

Jimin ranted crushing tae in a tight and warm hug, yuta hit jimin at the back of his head and warned him not to crush tae like that.

Yuta: god tae this guy was crying worrying that you would find some other soulmate.

Yuta teased jimin making tae giggle cutely at his cute soulmate's thought.

Tae: That's just stupid of you to think like that chim! Remember you are stuck with me till this world ends. I swear I'll beat you up if you leave me or even think to leave me alone.

Tae warned cutely showing his fist, jimin just hugged tae once again feeling happy that his soulmate is okay now, he was so terrified when tae fell limp in his arms. tae hugged chim and rubbed his back in a calming manner. That sweet soulmate moment was burning someone's stomach in Jealousy. The sight made that someone want to shred jimin into pieces. But he can't do that as his angel will surely kill him if he dares to touch that midget guy, so he better controls his urges and not just punch that midget out of his life. To add up to his distress jungkook was now being pulled out of the room by his ear by a very angry doctor Jung hoseok.

Jungkook: Angel I'll be back in a few minutes!!! Wait for hyung baby!! Yahh Midget don't fucking crush my babies like that I'll kill you!!

Jungkook shouted before he left the room, jimin broke the hug and glared at the way jungkook just left.

Jimin: Tae just break up with that guy I don't like him even a bit!! I'm going to break his coconut head someday.

Jimin huffed with a frown still glaring at the door.

Tae: Aish don't bring your fight to me chim! If you'll want to break each other's head then go on but don't involve me in that.

Tae said making jimin look at him in disbelief, yuta laughed at jimin's funny face.

Jimin: Oh my god my poor heart is hurt!

Jimin said as he dramatically held his chest.

Jimin: Tae you are supposed to stand by your soulmate's side!! It's that guy who's always messing with me okay? I'm not the one causing the problem. It's him.

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