💜cookie dough cake

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A/n pov:

At jin's cafe

After having their sweet moments namjin decided to go out to meet the other three who were in their own world.

Jin: joonie you go to their table first I will came back in a minute.

Jin said to Namjoon. Namjoon didn't argue and did as jin said. As Namjoon left jin called lily to know how was tae doing now. He was very worried for his little brother even tho Namjoon assured him that he was fine. As he pressed lily's contact after few seconds lily picked the call.

Lily: hello Jin baby how are you.

She greeted him cheerfully. He smiled at her cheerful tone and greeted back.

Jin: mom i am totally doing good. What about you.

Lily: yes yes I am good sweetheart. Ok why you called me.  I know You wouldn't have called me unless there is something so tell. I know you didn't call to talk about me.

Jin pov:

I can feel mom pouting. She always say this sentence whenever I call her. I chuckled a bit.

Jin: mom you know that's not true. I miss you mom.

I said

Lily: yes yes I know I know. That's why you don't visit me at all. You know when tae came this morning I thought he would remember me but he didn't then i showed him pictures of us hanging out together when he was a baby then he seemed to relax a bit.

She said a bit sad.

Jin: mom don't be sad, he was a baby that time you know that right. But see i remembered you that's why I spoke to you as soon as I saw you at my cafe. You didn't even recognize me at first so I should be the one to be mad at you  now.

As soon as I said that I heard mom whining. I laughed at that.

Lily: Jin sweetie you were all grown up  and looked very handsome when I saw you, that's why I couldn't even believe my eyes that it was you. So the blame should be on you not meeee.

She said making me laugh.

Jin: ok ok mom I'll take the blame. after all I am world wide handsome you know.

I said making her laugh.

Jin: mom how is tae now. Did he cry when he woke up? Is he still in little space?

I asked her questions.

Lily: yes hun he is fine, and still in little space, he is playing with hamzy and kook is watching both. How do you know that tae is not fine, who told you, did jimin tell you that, kook said he was there at that time.

She asked me,

Jin: mom chim didn't tell me, it was Namjoon.

I said without thinking

Lily: Namjoon?? How do you know him.

She asked, I was contemplating whether to tell her or not. but decided to tell her.

Lily: jin sweetie are you there.

She asked me, i came back from my thought.

Jin: yes mom.

Lily: tell me hun how do you know joon.

Now I have to tell her. So I told her everything that happened, ofcource except our makeout session i told her everything, she was listening to me without interrupting me.

Lily: so, you are the reason Namjoon never dated anyone all these years.

She asked me in a teasing tone.

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