💜 past

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A/n pov:

As Jin entered Tae's bedroom he saw both tae and kook sitting very close, there was no space in between them, kook's hand was on tae's waist. And for jin, he has seen this particular scene many times. But not as a full-grown adult version but it was a tiny version of them. Tiny tae and tiny kook. That memory of them being together as happy children didn't leave his mind. Jungkook knew tae before. Jungkook's father and Tae's father were best friends from their school days. They completed college together and took over their family business and they even became business partners. These two friends were always been for each other every time. They use to have regular family dinners. Jungkook was 4 years old when he first met tae. The tiny bunny boy was amazed at how the newborn was sleeping wrapped with a tiny baby blue warm cotton blanket. The baby was so tiny and cute that it amazed the cute little boy. Tiny Koo was a naughty boy, he never sits in a place for more than a minute but when he first saw baby tae he just couldn't take his eyes off the tiny cute baby boy. The baby who was in his mommy's arms was given to Jeon ara, the bunny boy never diverted his attention from the tiny bean. When the baby was passed into his mother's arms he immediately went near the baby looking at him with his big doe eyes. The baby moved a tiny bit and whined as his sleep was disturbed, tiny Koo who was looking at the baby gasped when the baby opened his eyes and looked at Koo. The tiny baby had a pair of doe eyes with thick eyelashes and a cute tiny button nose and pink pouty lips that made the baby look like a doll. The baby had a blue beanie to cover his ears as it was winter. Tiny koo was looking at the baby with big eyes. He took his tiny hands near the baby's face and touched the baby's cold pink cheeks, the baby giggled when Koo touched his cheeks making Koo smile brightly showing his bunny teeth. This made both the parents smile. That was the first time they met. That day when they were about to leave after dinner kook didn't want to leave the baby there and wanted to take tae to his home. It was really hard to convince tiny kook. Jungkook's dad promised him that he will bring kook to meet the baby if he behaves well, and tiny kook had no other choice than to listen to his dad. As promised Jungkook's dad brought him to tae every weekend. When kook was with tae he always stares at the small fluff ball with heart eyes, he never lets anyone else, touch tae when he was there, Not even Jin. And that's how many years passed. Jungkook used to visit tae every Sunday or if he has a holiday. Other than tae, he was not close with anyone. even at school, he had very few friends. Kook was a shy child so he didn't make many friends or mingle with people, but when he was with tae he was the happiest. And for tae, kook was his best friend other than Jin and Ji-hoon. as tae was homeschooled he didn't have friends other than these three, after leaving Kim' mansion Ji-hoon and lily didn't visit tae that often as they were busy. So it was kook who visited tae every Sunday. And that's the reason he was so attached to Jungkook. They had such a beautiful bond between them. Both were the happiest when they are with each other. Jungkook loved his baby bear and Tae loved his bunny hyung. They always waited for Sundays to come cause that's the time they were able to meet each other, play, cuddle. Jungkook loved spending time with his baby bear, that's how he called tae. And same goes for tae, he loved his bunny hyung to death.
When Sunday comes tae use to get up early, get ready and wait for his bunny hyung. When his bunny hyung arrives he use to jump on him and gives him a bear hug and tells how much he missed his hyung. When they meet tae use to tell kook about his whole week, how his teacher gave him golden stars for being a good boy and how he learnt new lessons or about his music classes and kook would listen to him with hearty eyes and a huge bunny smile. That's how their days were. Sweet, warm and lovely. Like all week Tae waited for kook's arrival. The tiny boy was dressed in a cute baby blue outfit with his natural Brown fluffy hair combed. He was waiting patiently for his bunny hyung to come with his favourite chocolate cake that he usually brings every week. The chocolate cake was not bought from any shop but it was made by Jungkook's mom Jeon ara.
Ara loved tae like his own son. She was so fond of tae that she makes chocolate cake every week just for tae. And tae too loved the kind and beautiful woman. that particular day tae waited for many hours but his hyung didn't arrive, after so many hours, he gave up and thought his hyung will visit him some other day. A week passed and another Sunday came but his bunny hyung still didn't visit him. That made him very unhappy. Jin tried to convince him by saying that kook would have been busy with schoolwork or so. So he just listened to his Jin hyung and thought that Jin hyung was saying the truth. Maybe bunny hyung's teacher would have given him more homework that's why he is not here to meet me, thought tae. And Innocent tae began to believe that and thought that he should understand his bunny hyung. That's how few months passed. Those months tae still waited for his hyung but kook didn't come to visit him. He asked his parents but they told the same reason,  "he may be busy tae bear" his mom repeated the same answer again and again. Tae would pout and nod his head. He trusted his bunny hyung and thought he would visit when he is done with his schoolwork. After waiting for a long time he finally had the chance to meet his bunny hyung. It was Jungkook's 14th birthday party. Tae's parents along with jin went to Jeon's mansion, he was very excited to meet his hyung after a long time, He wore cute outfits. He even prepared gifts for his hyung with the money he saved from the pocket money his parents give him every month. He was contented with the gifts he bought and was very confident that his bunny hyung will love it. As they arrived he walked inside the mansions with his parents and his jin hyung they went a little early as tae didn't like crowded places. As they went kook's parents greeted Tae, jin and his parents. Ara hugged both tae and jin and kissed their forehead telling them how cute they were, both shyly thanked her and tae asked where was his bunny hyung, as it was early kook was still in his room so Ara told tae to go and meet kook in his room. As she told that the 9-year-old boy nodded and went to meet his bunny hyung holding the gifts he bought for him. He ran on the stairs, tripping once or twice but didn't mind it a tiny bit as he was too excited to meet kook. As he reached the room door he knocked on the door after a few seconds kook opened the door. tae placed his gift down and jumped on kook and gave him a tight hug muttering, I missed you bunny hyung. But kook did something that tae didn't expect, kook removed Tae's arms which was hugging his waist and pushed him outside the room and shut the door on his face. Tae didn't know what was wrong. He was confused and sad. He knocked at kook's door again and again mumbling, " hyung I'm sorry please open the door". He didn't understand why his hyung was behaving like that. But he didn't receive any explanation. He gently pushed the gift box he bought near the door and spoke.
"B-bunny hyung I'm sorry for bothering you too much that you hate me now, don't worry I won't T-trouble you ever again, but please T-take my gift and don't throw it away please, I'm leaving it here and Happy Birthday hyung, love you so much".  Tae said all this with a smile, but his eyes were glossy. That innocent kid didn't know why was this happening but he thought that his hyung felt bored with him. Of course, he will be bored, Tae thought and left with the same smile downstairs. After going down he told his parents that he was done giving the gifts to his hyung and told them that he wanted to go home. His parents didn't question him as they know tae didn't like crowded places so they bid goodbyes and went away. And that was the day he met his bunny hyung for the last time. He was very sad and lonely but didn't show it. But this didn't go unnoticed by jin. Jin knew that tae missed jungkook because the tiny boy would mumble kook's name in sleep. So he convinced his parents to send tae to school with him as he can make friends there and this time his parents agreed and Joined tae in a private school with Jin. After years of Homeschooling, tae finally went to school with Jin. And after going to school the first friend he made was Jimin, tae was happy that he found a friend like Jimin and that's how he slowly began to forget about his bunny hyung.

I hope you like this chapter........
Why did kook avoid tae?
Any idea?
I hope the chapter is not rushed.....
And please don't forget to comment and vote lovely readers. That helps me to know if you like my book and motivates me to update more. These days I am not motivated.....
And don't forget to stay safe and healthy always 💜💚💫

And don't forget to stay safe and healthy always 💜💚💫

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