Chapter 1

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     Imogen has been begging me all week to go with her to New York for the summer. I finally caved and found myself packing my bags for this trip. I guess it'll be a nice change... get a feel for the environment before i officially move there for college. It didn't take much for me to convince my parents- after all a hot shot lawyer like my dad and the best female real estate agent for some of the highest selling neighborhoods and homes across America, are rarely ever home anyways.

"Blair!"my dad yells up to me.

"Great.." i whisper to myself. I get up off the floor once i zipped up my bag and grabbed my phone. As soon as i open the door the musty smell hits my nose once more. You'd think i was used to it by now but nope. I take one step down at a time until i hit the first floor and walk into the living room. My dad was sat down on the couch in the first living room- his black suit complimenting our powder blue couch and the sight of his phone pressed against his ear wasn't new. Why did he even call me down if he was gonna take a phone call?

"Hey Blair." I hear an oh-so-familiar deep voice say.

I turn my head towards the kitchen to see my ex boyfriend standing at the counter, grabbing an apple and tossing it in the air before taking a bite out of it. He's an attractive guy- don't get me wrong, but, he's just not for me. He never really was. Our family loved us together and before him, I had only dated one other guy. Granted, we were together for 2 years. Not only was he incredibly controlling- he wasn't so great.... at... well you get the picture. He walks closer to me, the smell of his cologne reeks of cardamom and violet mixed with a leathery note. His hazel eyes grow lighter the closer he gets and his blonde dyed hair easily shows the brown roots of his original hair color.

"What do you want Lynx?" I roll my eyes and look up at him. He towers over me- him being 6'0 and me being 5'1.

"I came here to see your dad." He says pointing to him on the phone.

"Okay so why are you talking to me?" I walk over to the fridge and grab a water bottle to bring on the drive over- it only being about 2 hours to get to the house Imogen and her cousins had rented out for all of us to hang out at. Imogen is only bringing me, her guy cousin- Jax, decided to bring atleast 2 other people, and her closest cousin- Tabitha, is bringing a group of people. The place has atleast 6 rooms and 9 beds. I got stuck with the smaller room but it's fine with me because i like my own space.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" He puts an arm on one side of me and backing me up into the counter, trying to make a move on me- what a dumb fuck honestly.

"Not you." I push him back and walk away from him as quickly as i can.

"Oh come on!" He speaks up throwing his hands up in the air.

"Take a hint Lynx! I broke up with YOU. Let it go!" I shout at him and walk to the couch next to my dad who finally put his phone down.

He greets me and asks how I'm doing before getting to the actual point of calling me down. "Alright well you got all you need for your trip?"

"Yeah Imogen is coming to pick me up now actually."

"I sent some money into your account. Hopefully it'll be enough to keep you going for two and a half months." He tosses his leg up and lays it down on his left knee. "You know the deal- don't call unless it's an emergency, ive got a lot of business to deal with i don't need to deal with your drama."

Here we go again. I scoff at him and agree to leave him alone. I don't need his help most of the time anyways I've gotten by on my own. I shut my bedroom door and gather my suitcases to make leaving as quick as i can and as if on queue, Imogen texts me 'Let's go!'

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