Chapter 37

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Leaving Damien and my mom alone last week was such a tough situation. I honestly fear for the outcome of the divorce.. and leaving my mom knowing my father could show up at any time? Terrifies me even more. Luckily she has Damien and his girlfriend around a lot, but, still.. what if they weren't there one day? What if Damien being there isn't enough? I shake my thoughts out of my head as i returned my focus to chopping the onions in front of me.

I was lucky enough that Desirae let me leave long enough to have this vacation with my family ,but, to be so distracted a week after being back might ruin things. As nice as she is, she is strictly business and I don't think I've ever worked this much and this hard in my life. She demands total focus when I'm with her and on the clock and not only that, but, she has a position open for a personal assistant in and out of the kitchen and I want that spot. This gig now is amazing, but, it pays nothing but benefits of working with her and the free meals here and there. I need to start making money. I know Zara has finances covered, but, I really wanna try to spoil her for once. Give her something and have her be proud of my work and not only that, but for myself? I need to prove to myself and everyone that I have what it takes to do this and I wanna build something for myself all by myself- WITHOUT help from my father or his money.

"BLAIR!" I hear Desirae call as she stormed into the kitchen, holding a piece of paper in her hands. "I just got an order and I want you to prepare the entire table's dinner. Now." She demanded slamming it infront of me and walking out in a heavy pace. I peered around the kitchen to see the other cooks and dish washers staring, then returning their gaze slowly with looks of fear on their face. She may be a petite lady, but, every single one of us is scared of her when she's in chef mode.

     I take a look at the order- four meals to be prepped. I go over to Lionel who today is working with me to prepare the meals set forth according to Desirae. He's her right hand man here and he watches over me and nitpicks every fucking thing i do.

"Not like that!" He yells as i cut the onions, taking the knife from my hands and showing me how to do it and then handing it back. "Now do it. Here take it."

I take a Heavy breath and do as I'm told. When Zara tells me what to do, it's one thing, but, when anyone else does it... mmmm. I get done with two of the orders- even with this man yelling in my ears at every other thing i did, and set them down, and on the final meal, he begins again.

"Do you even know how to make this? Oh come on you-"

"Oh my god! Shut the hell up!" I throw the bowl down on the table and finally say something.

"Excuse me!?-"

"Shut. The. Hell. Up. You have been down my throat this entire time. If i couldn't cook, i wouldn't fucking be back here would i?"

"How dare you talk to me like that? Do you know who i am-"

"I don't care!" I shout in annoyance. "Literally nobody else does. Can you please get your head out of your ass-"

"Blaire!" Desirae shouts from behind with disappointment in her voice. "Office, now." And as she escorts me out- not giving me even a second to explain, she directs Lionel to finish the rest of the meals.

Great. He's on my ass like that and still gets to cook the rest of my table? How will i ever show i deserve this if Every chance i get is taken away? She sits me down in her office and faces me in her chair.

"Look.." she begins, "you've been gone awhile. I know that a vacation that long can throw a person off their game, stress them out, but you can't be blowing up on Lionel like that. He can be an ass- that's no secret, but, he is a golden ticket to getting better."

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