Chapter 5

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     Okay, so the months finally over and i think we've somewhat made it official-like all of the girls here know that we've got a thing going on. Originally i wasn't gonna tell anyone,but, Imogen had already picked up on it of course and then Tabitha kind of figured. After they started talking to us about it we couldn't hide it anymore. Still though.. a month? No labels or anything- mostly just sexual but we have the best talks. Imogen is the only person I've ever been able to talk to like this with before Zara. Staring at her now- in her white tank top and blue flannel, i see so much potential in what we could be. It wouldn't hurt to see this through but at the same time I'm not putting all my eggs into one basket. As badly as i want things to work, if she's not the one i can't be upset by it. Still though, something deep inside me thinks she is and i don't usually let people in so quickly but its so easy with her. It's so easy to laugh and talk and breathe around her. I never really noticed this about myself but when I'm around people I'm not used to, i hold my breath more. It feels like i never fully exhale and around her and Imogen i can just feel alive.

"What are you thinking about?" Tate says grabbing a seat next to me to watch everyone set up the patio for beer pong.

"Nothing that concerns you." I joke, chugging down the drink in my hand.

"Feisty. I like it." He opens the bottle of beer he had brought out with him and takes a sip. "We invited some other people here by the way."

Imogen looks back from the table, "You what? Without asking us?"

"What? its our vacation too! Plus, its not much. They seemed chill so why not just have a good night and party!" He holds up his beer as if he's cheering to the air and chugs it down completely.

"Just say you wanna fuck a girl and shut up." Imogen rolls her eyes.

"Its not just girls." He slips out, accidentally. His face grew concerned when Imogen gave him a look.

"How many people did you invite?"

"I don't know.." he sinks into his seat. "A couple of random groups down at the mall."

"Oh my god." Imogen sighs stressfully. "I'm not feeding and spending money on people i don't know, Tate. You think money just grows on trees? Oh you probably do- you haven't worked a day in your goddamn life. You do realize we don't know these people at all?"

"It's not a big deal! They're our age. If anything happens ill take full responsibility." He gestures to his heart where he crosses it over his shirt and throws his hands up.

Imogen groans in defeat. "Fuck yeah you will."

After their little argument i decided i wanted to go hang out in my room before people actively got here. I was gonna go alone but Zara followed me in. Next thing i know i was being lifted up onto the dresser in my room with my legs and arms wrapped around her. I focused heavily on her breathing, matching the slowness of hers to mine and running my hands through her hair.

"Ugh can we just stay in here all night." I pull her an inch closer to me.

"They'll miss us, ya know." She whispers against my neck just as little kisses are tracing it.

I lift my hand up to grip her jaw lightly so that i can pull her away to look her in the eyes. "Do we really care though? Right now?" I use my other hand to lay on top of hers that's gripping on my inner thigh and put it over top of my shorts.

She looks down for a moment, amused but serious at the same time. "Are you sure you're even ready for it?"

"Why wouldnt i be?" I ask her.

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