Chapter 3

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It's been a whole week without anything from Zara. No kissing, no touching- not even a moment alone. I've been dying to get my hands on her again since the night we talked. I know we've been busy- what with Zara and Tabitha's friends coming, but, they leave in a few more days and I'm sure we'll do something then.

     Jasmine- Zara's best friend, came and so her and Zara have been hanging out a lot. She's gorgeous. A dirty blonde with blue eyes like Zara's and she was just as tall as Zara. Imogen and I have been shopping our asses off- and of course i got some cute things to show Zara later. After the long day yesterday of shopping and dining out with Imogen and Tabitha, i woke up the next morning super late. It was about 12:30 in the afternoon and i was the only one who hasn't gotten up yet. When i walked to go into the kitchen- the guys' rooms were all open so i know they were out, Tabitha and Jasmine- as well as Emerson, Zara's other friend, were in the kitchen chatting and laughing. I looked for Zara only to see her and Imogen hanging out in the backyard smoking a joint so i went out and joined them.

"Hey guys." I sit myself down in one of the hammocks.

"Hey, you're finally up!" Imogen cheers, hitting the joint and passing it to me.

"Yeah dude i was exhausted after yesterday." I explain to her, "how do you even wake up so early? We were out all day with no rest."

"I guess I'm just a morning person." She shrugs. "Zara was just telling me about a girl who-"

"It's not important." Zara cuts her off quickly.

"Not important!? You finally have someone to gush over! I've been told you don't ever talk about anyone in a special way until now. It's actually-" Imogen tries to continue.

"Imogen." Her voice grew stern.

"Oops sorry." She puts her hands up as a sign of surrendering the conversation. She gets up and i pass her the joint- as she gestures for me to do. She hits it once more. "Okay I'm gonna go get ready to hang out with the guys tonight, they wanna do a little hang out with just us before we all go clubbing and tonight's the only night to do it until we actually go out."

"See ya." I wave goodbye to her. She waves behind her as the door shuts.

Now it's just us. And it's actually kind of awkward. Not on her part but... what do i do? I passed her the rest of the joint and just kind of sat there silently. Looking away and out into the yard trying not to get up and sit on her lap... and just... ugh.

     "What are you doin' tonight?" I hear her say.

     "Um... nothing, whatever they were gonna do. I think so anyways. Are we all supposed to be doing something?"

     "No," she puts the joint out and stands up. "Just checking. Do you wanna hang out?"

     I'm kinda shocked. I'm surprised that she doesn't wanna spend time with her friends while they're here. I mean after all we still have another two and a half months to 'hang out' together. I'm definitely gonna take my chance here anyways.

"Um sure. What were you thinking?" I shift to look towards her.

"I don't know.. a drive around town. I can ask Imogen to take the car. Her, Tabitha, and the guys are all drinking early so they won't miss us. And when we get back we can start drinking with them too." Zara gets up from her seat and starts walking to the door.

     "Cool. I'll see you tonight." My heart races and i try to hide it in the smile on my face.

      "See you later pretty girl." She walks back and makes sure no one is looking before kissing the top of my head and using her pointer finger to lift my chin up so that she can kiss me. "Bye."

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