Chapter 24

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     Okay, so tomorrow is the big day I get to work with Desirae.. God, I'm so nervous and yet so excited. This is such a once in a lifetime opportunity and I cannot mess this up. I really wanna give my all into this. Zara and I have kept a bit of a distance while I prepped this week. Usually our day starts with her dropping me off and then picking me up after i finish homework at the cafe- without Naomi by the way.. She had gotten to be too much to handle and I just had to cut ties. Anywho, Then we don't see each other until bedtime because I'm usually in the kitchen trying out new recipes all night and by the time I'm finished she's in bed already falling asleep when I walk in. It's been hard not spending all my time with her but we both understand that there needs to be some breaks. Which reminds me.. While I'm sitting here at the Cafe I have time to post our pictures.

     I pull out my phone and opened up my app, adding the picture to the post and captioned it "You make me feel like I can do anything <3". Anddddddd... posted! I set my phone down and turned the ringer off, knowing that it's about to blow up with likes. After the shoot i did with Sol my socials have blown up again since I first posted with everyone after our vacation ended. I've been getting a crazy amount of DMs about Zara and random guys asking me out- even a few death threats for taking away what the world apparently sees as 'theirs'. I see why Zara doesn't wanna be so open with our relationship because now neither do I. I like how we are already, the public eye really does change a lot of it. I didn't see it at first, but, Zara goes through a lot in herself and being on her own as someone who's in the public eye. She's a naturally closed off person, but, she doesn't go out as much because of all of the attention she gets when she does and she said it's really annoying and can be overwhelming. If I'm only receiving half of the attention she gets, imagine what she goes through. I checked my phone once more to see a bunch of comments on the photo already, scrolled through them reading every single one but not interacting with them until I saw Zara's. It was just a basic white heart emoji, but still.

     Hours had gone by since i started my assignments. I just finished my last one and logged off of my laptop, heading back into the bedroom where Zara was fast asleep. She looks so peaceful. Even when she's sleeping she's got my mind in a daze. I crawled into bed next to her and laid my head on her chest with my arm wrapped around her. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach when i felt her wrap her arm around my back and place a hand over my arm on her abdomen.

     "Hi.." she mutters out in a groggy, raspy voice.

     "I didn't mean to wake you. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," she rubs one eye and looks down at me, "Are you ready for tomorrow?"

"Yes mistress, I've been prepping practically my entire life for this." I snuggle down into her chest and shut my eyes.

    "You're gonna kill it, princess. Goodnight." She rubs my back lightly.


My hands are shaking at the wheel right now. I honestly don't know how I'm driving properly with all of my nerves in my skin firing. Just to think, I'm less than five minutes away from working with 'THE Desirae Delight'. James told me that she always has the new people re-create one of her special dishes to meet her standards and only then will she consider taking you under her wing and having her work under you. Even if its just being a kitchen assistant, it would help so much in just getting a jump start on my career if I do decide in working in the culinary world. Before i knew it, here i was..

     I take a deep breath as i shut the car door behind me and stand looking up at the building's sign that read 'Desirae Delight's Delights'. I walked up to the double dark glass doors and opened it to see a full house of people waiting or enjoying the food coming out from the kitchen.

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