Chapter 18

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My first week of school is finally over. It's now Sunday and my last class for the day just ended. Instead of going back immediately like normal, Naomi and I grabbed coffee while i waited for Zara to finish her sessions with a sub of hers. After Monday, we only had one class together which we just had. Photography. Of course we have another homework assignment. It was easy, but, kind of the same concept as our psychology course. All we had to do was take five photos of something that inspires or makes us feel something and write out why it makes us feel whatever we feel underneath the picture.

"What are you gonna take pictures of?" I ask her.

"Mm, no idea." She looks down at her camera. "You?"

"Beats the fuck out of me." I shrug, sipping my coffee and taking a bite out of my blueberry muffin.

"Hey, so that girl you were with... what's the deal with you two?"

"She's my girlfriend. We live together. Why?"

"Just wondering." She shrugs to me. "Hey do you think i have a shot with that barista?"

I look up to the girl who took our order. She was short- an inch taller than me. She had short blonde hair that was right above her neck, and dark brown eyes. "Totally. She's cute."

"Okay hang tight, I'm gonna ask for her number." She gets up without another word. I watched as she shot her shot with the woman and moments later, getting a cup with a phone number written on the side of it.

"Wow, that was quick." I say as she walks over and sits back down.

"What can i say? I've got skills." She laughs, sitting the cup down infront of her.

We were there for another two hours before Zara had arrived. She walked in and ordered a coffee to go before stepping out quickly to answer a call. She's been really busy the past couple of days. I'm not really upset about it because of how busy I've been, but, I was hoping that we might get some time to relax together. By the time I was done, her coffee was finished. I said my farewells to Naomi once we all walked out together and went our separate ways.

"What was that call about?" I asked when Zara got in the car with me.

"Work. I'm going to London in two weeks." She informs me.

    I pout, "for how long?"

     "Just two weeks." She shrugs and looks to me to see me frowning at the news. "Don't pout." She teases, "Ill be back before you know it and ill call you everyday."

"What am i gonna do without you?"

"I'll make you a list of things i wanna see done when i get back." She puts her hand on my thigh.

We get back to the house and I put my things in my room so that i can take off my pants and put my collar back on. I walked to Zara's room and sat down on the floor in first position- hands on knees, facing up with my head down. I was to wait patiently until she got out of the bathroom before i can get onto the bed with her.

"Good girl," I hear her say, bending down infront of me. "Look at me."

I do as I'm told. She examines me for a moment. Somehow, just by looking at me, she can tell what kind of mood I'm in- whether playful, bored, needy, etc. She can always tell how to start the sessions. Today i was in a more relaxed mood, although i have homework to finish for tomorrow. I didn't even start to write my essay for psychology. I hadn't told Zara about it yet.

"You're not telling me something. What is it?" She tilts her head. How the fuck did she know? I wait for her to give me the okay to speak before i say anything. "Speak up."

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