Chapter 14

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     I spent the entire two days after i got packing up everything that i can. I already have my bathroom sorted out and the clothes I'm gonna ship out there. I just need to figure out what I'm gonna bring with me while i drive back there. Everything's shaping up nicely. Only issue with this is i have to get through a dinner with my mom and dad. Damien has to go too. I know its a family dinner and i wont see them while I'm out there, but, our dinners never end well.

     After i finished packing my things i laid in my bed, watched some netflix and ate a yogurt from my mini fridge. i cant believe that in only four days will i be back in New York. I can't believe ill be living in my dream city, with my dream girl. God, i cant imagine what it's gonna be like. I'm praying i make it through the first week of college. My major is Marketing and I'm taking real estate courses. I honestly wish I didn't have to go to college; school was always my biggest stressor. I busted my ass to do all the work i had and extra curriculars. I put my thoughts about school aside to just relax.

I wake to the sound of my laptop still playing and the ringtone of my phone going off. I pick up-not even checking who was calling, with a very groggy and husky voice, "hello?"

"Princess? Did i wake you?" Zara asks cooing at my half-slumber state.

"Yes Mistress." I open my eyes and squeeze them tightly when i realize how bright my room is.

"I'm sorry, I'm just checking on you."

"It's okay, i really miss your voice. You haven't called for two days." I frowned, setting the phone down against my laptop.

"I know, Princess. I'm sorry I've been busy and tired. But at least in a couple of days i can get you back and start training you again."

I chuckle, "I cant wait to put that collar back on."

"I cant wait to see you in it. Which reminds me, did you eat?"

     "Um, i had a yogurt before i fell asleep. That's it though." I grow kind of nervous awaiting her response.

     She gives a look indicating i should know what to do.

     "Yes, yes i know. I'll cook something soon." I put my pinky to the camera- she does the same with hers.

    "Okay well i have some work to do. Nap some more, maybe? Then eat and finish packing. Ill see you in a couple days, princess."

    "See you mistress." I grin as i end the call and turn my laptop off.

     I woke up an hour later, finished packing two more boxes of clothes- one to keep and the other to give away. Damien went out with his friends for the night so I'm all alone in the house. Maybe ill call Imogen over to hang out. Actually, i will. When she picked up she said she had something to do first, but, she'll be there as soon as she can.

A couple of hours passed, Imogen arrived. She's been helping me pack a bit, but, honestly after the first box- we were done. We ended up laying in my bed and watching movies for the rest of the night. You'd think with how many movies we watched on vacation, we'd have run out by now. I invited her to dinner with my family because at least it'll be some kind of fun with her and my brother there. My mom and dad are probably gonna take us out to a really nice restaurant and make a joke like "Oh you think youre old, wait til you get to my age." Or some other shit.

      Finally its the day of my dinner. I leave the day after tomorrow and my boxes are already shipping to Zara's. It's actually official.. I'm leaving. I never thought I'd be able to say that. I have dreamed about this since i could even dream. I got on my new royal blue dress after doing my makeup. Imogen came over as soon as we were getting ready to leave- thank god, my dad was about to have a fit. He's a very punctual man and he claimed these "Dinner reservations were hard to get." No they weren't. He represents the owner of the restaurants. Nonetheless, we all got in the car and the driver took us to the restaurant. Once, we got inside we sat at our usual table and my dad got the same thing he always gets-a rare steak with a two crab cakes on the side and a coke. My mom got a hot tea- lavender, anti-stress. She also ordered the same salad i ordered. Imogen loves to go all out when she goes out with us. She got a lobster- or three. And some other shit i can't pronounce. The smile on her face when she ordered it- how do you not love her? My parent's love her just like she's their own. We waited an hour to eat our Dinner but once it actually got here, it was so worth it. As we finished up and were getting ready for dessert, we picked up the menus and looked through.

"So, sweetie. Are you seeing anyone?" My dad glares up from his menu.

"Oh, Henry. Don't start." My mom lightly taps his shoulder.

"What? I see it if she's not dating anyone why not that boy? He's got status, his family has money, he's honest-" he begins to go on a tangent.

"He kisses the bottom of your shoes?" Damien rolls his eyes and sips his water.

"Hey, now. Damien. Come on, son. Give your father more credit than that." My mom says.

"Thank you, Fiona. He's just an ungrateful leech."

"Hey, Dad! No he's not. Don't say that about him. Come on guys, i'm leaving soon. Can we just have one dinner where youre not fighting with each other?" I beg of them.

"Fine, sweetie." My mom rubs my shoulder, "Everyone relax."

"You never answered my question, Blair. Seeing anyone?"

"Well...." I was about to tell them about Zara,but, the Imogen kicks me in the knee and i jumped up and stared back at her.

She shakes her head slowly, warning me not to say anything. She's right. If my parents found out i liked girls? They'd eat me alive and rip out my heart to display in the living room. Okay, well that's a bit morbid, but, that's what it feels like would happen. Anyways, i look at my parent's waiting for a response and gulp.

"Nope. No boyfriend." I shrug and push my plate away.

"Good." My dad says.

We finished off the night eating dessert and trying not to pick a fight with each other. Once we got back to the house we all separated into our own rooms-Imogen sleeping over in mine. I stripped off the dress and changed into some sweatpants and a t shirt. Imogen borrowed a pair of shirts and hoodie. We laid in my bed and put on the current binge worthy show of ours.

"I can't believe you're leaving me soon." Imogen frowns at me.

"I know, dude. You're gonna visit me soon though right?"

"When i can. I'll get Tabitha to come too. I'm gonna miss you so much." She over exaggerates her tone- yet, i know she'll miss me more than she cares to let on.

"I'll miss you even more." My heart frowns at the mere thought of having to let go of our life long friendship to pursue New York. She could never afford to get out there in the state her life's in. She's going to beauty school close to home. She saved up to go to this one- it's been her dream.

We both reminisced on the past. All of our memories together. When we were freshman's we got frozen yogurt every Sunday night after walking there. It was an hour walk but no one else would take us and neither of us could drive yet. It was our thing. We cuddled in bed after talking, falling asleep next to each other for the last time in my room.

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