Chapter 22

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I woke up to a familiar scent that hadn't filled the penthouse in a month. James' 'local to the apartment' famous French toast. I get up immediately and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Zara's space in bed was already empty and there was coffee on my side of the bed so I can only assume she's already downstairs without me. I rinsed my mouth and grabbed my robe to run down the stairs and into the kitchen only to see James' finishing up cleaning the kitchen.

He looks up at me with the cheekiest smile. "Good morning, Blair! It's been awhile."

I put my coffee cup down and run up into his arms, Zara watching us interact from the kitchen counter, picking up the cup i had just sat down and taking a sip for herself. "Where were you?"

"Business trip." He explains, "I was just with Desirae actually. I gave her your number." He winks.

     I could feel my eyes physically light up, "No way!"

     He simply nods his head, "Expect a call from her sometime soon."

     I jump up and squeal, "THANK YOU!"

After all that news i couldn't wait to call Imogen. I immediately went to grab my phone to FaceTime her- yeah it was kind of early,but, if I don't wake her before noon who will. And just like i knew she would answer the phone, she rubbed her eyes and groaned groggily.

"What time is it?"

"Nine am girl. I have news for you!" My overly optimistic outlook on life in the mornings vs her 'touch me before 11 am and you're dead' attitude clashed very often when we were growing up. "Zara's friend knows Desirae Delight and he gave her my number!"

"What?! That's amazing!" Her voice became almost as peppy as mine did, "Oh my god I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you." I smiled, "Anyways I'll let you go now, I just wanted to tell you first."

"Okay, Bestie. I'll call you after your classes.. even if you're with you know who." She rolled her eyes.

"Hey now, be nice." I warn. "She hasn't done anything worth being suspicious about her yet."

"It's always when you do something last minute that the girl in the horror movie ends up dead." Imogen's somewhat disturbed humor peaks a bit.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes with a smile. "Bye, love you."

"Love you." And just like that we hung up the phone.

I walked down the stairs to a plate made for me by James and Zara still sitting around on her phone finishing her coffee. I took my spot next to her and laid my head on her shoulder- she returned the action by laying her head on my own. We looked through her Instagram timeline together. It mainly consisted of other models and just like her own feed, her timeline was just as aesthetically pleasing. It was a light modern contemporary with mystery and clues everywhere about her life. Most people don't look that deeply into her posts, but,i do. My favorite post of hers was when there was a silhouette of her standing in a field of flowers in Paris looking up at a full moon captioned, "Her." Ever since the night she took me to her escape place, she's compared me to the moon and tells me all the time that it reminds her of me.

"Baby, finish eating." She sets her phone down, not even bothering to turn it off to scoot my plate closer to me. "I'm dropping you off soon."

"Okay, Goddess." I pick up my fork and knife and cut through the French toast.

"By the way, I have a shoot like right after I pick you up. I was thinking you could come with me and just sit around on set. It's for a designer eco friendly jewelry company and I'm friends with the company's owner." She rests her elbow on the table and looks at me while i eat.

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