Chapter 17

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It's my first day of classes. I'm nervous as hell. I can feel my heart beating in my throat and my hands shaking trying to pick up my bag. I take one last look at myself in the mirror, a deep breath to calm my nerves before i head downstairs. Zara was waiting for me so that she could drop me off. I wont be home til 6 pm tonight since my classes today run late. I walk down the stairs to be met with my favorite pair of eyes waiting for me at the end.

"Ready to go?" She pulls out her car keys from her back pocket.

"As ready as ill ever be." I reach for her hand to cling to. touching her calms me more than anything.

We got to the school, she drops me off infront of my first class' building. Before she pulled off, i went to her window to kiss her goodbye. Honestly, i lingered a bit longer just to procrastinate actually going inside. Of course she could tell, so she pulled away first and waved me off to go in. I looked around first, taking in my new environment. The amount of students here... holy shit. People have always made me nervous. Big crowds, new people. The thought alone froze me in place for a moment. I started my walk to my first class- Economics. The minute i got in, the majority of seats were already taken. I sat in the back rower, third from the farthest back and right in the center. Next to me was some muscular, air head. Seriously, the way he's hitting on the girls behind me.. There's no way he lands a date with them. As i think that i hear one of the girls rip off a piece of paper from her notebook and hand it to him saying, 'here's my number.' I roll my eyes, i guess i stand corrected.

The other seat next to me was empty when class started. About 15 minutes in, a girl walked in.

"Sorry I'm late." She says, catching her breath from an obvious sprint to get here.

"You should be." Mr. Nezbit crosses his arms. "Why dont you go take your seat. You can sit next to.. I'm sorry what's your name?"

It takes me a second to realize he's pointing to me. "Oh Blair."

"Sit next to Ms. Blair." He turns back around to the board.

She walks to me quickly, putting her bag on the ground and sitting down. Her hair was an electric purple-grey and she had brown eyes. She smiled to me when she first sat next to me. I guess she was as good as anyone in this class to be sitting next to. If only she could replace this guy next to me who's already hit on half of the girls in the class- including me.

"Hey, Blair." she whispers. "Sorry, can i borrow a pen? I was totally not prepared coming here."

"Oh, yeah. Sure thing." I grab a pen from my bag and hand it to her.

"Thanks, pretty girl." She says. 'Pretty girl'? Weird, but, people are like that. Overly affectionate with pet names?

The rest of class we sat in silence, the whole class listening to our teacher tell us how disappointing the rest of the year will be. Giving us a lecture on how we're gonna have to work hard if we wanna pass his class- normal routine for first day. We're already taking notes on the first lesson he has for us. As soon as it ended i started packing up my things and heading out.

"Hey!" Im stopped by someone tapping my arm. As i turn around i see its the girl holding my pen. "Here, i don't want you to think I'm trying to steal your pen."

"Oh no, keep it. Atleast now we'll both know you have atleast one pen in handy. Plus, you'll probably need it for your other classes." She thanks me, giving me the impression the conversation is over.

"Oh wait, let me introduce myself atleast." She puts her hand out for me to shake, "Im Naomi."

"Blair." I shake her hand.

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