Chapter 13

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"Babe, wake up. It's time to pack. Babe." I feel my body being shaken to wake up.

"Hm?" I rub my eyes and stretch my arms- still laying down.

"Come on, you have to pack." I stirred awake and opened my eyes to her fully clothed.

"What time is it?"

"11." She gets up and opens up my suitcase.

I sit up in my bed and look around. I really can't believe this is the last day. I had more fun here than ive had in awhile. Not just because of Zara but i became such good friends with all of the guys and got to know some new people. I know already ill have Holly, Jasmine, Emmett, and Zara when i move back. It's actually just made me even more excited to come back here. I daydreamed about it while i packed to go home- Zara left already and so did Emmett and Jasmine, and Yes, of course Zara kissed me goodbye. When i finished, I took it out to the car and put it in the trunk. I walked in and into the kitchen, where everyone else had been hanging out.

"Hey guys." I grab a Monster energy drink from the fridge.

"Hey." Tabitha says, "It's weird to see you without your other half."

"It feels weird." I hadn't been away from her in months. I miss her. I know spending every day together isn't healthy, which is why i know the distance is gonna be fine ,but, ugh. I miss her.

"We're about to head out, you ready?" Imogen finishes putting away all the dishes.

"Yep, my bags in the car already." I get up to help gather all the food that's left in the fridge and put them in bags so we can divide it up and see who takes what- not that i want any of it, its all for them.

      After an hour of packing things up around the houses, smoking a quick blunt, and reminiscing on the few months we spent together we all hopped in our designated rides and left. On the ride back to the house, i finished editing the photos and sent them all out to the group chat. They turned out great especially the pictures of Zara and me. Imogen volunteered to take them, but, For someone so beautiful, Zara hates being photographed. Most of the time, it was me posing next to her and her doing something that didn't show her face- like kissing me, putting her hands on me- anything except show who she was. I didn't mind it though. Yeah i love showing off who i have, but, i like to keep very private as well. These pictures are perfect honestly. My favorite one of us is the one where one arm is draped over my shoulders as i sat infront of her. Her other one leaning my head up to look at her with a grin spread across my face. The most you can see of her head is the hair that drapes down next to my head while she looks down at me. The amount of pictures i took on this trip was insane, my camera's memory card was practically full.

I took this one picture from underneath the spot Zara showed me. It was perfect. The last night we went out together- not our first time, our third. I laid under the water at night. The moon was perfectly centered in the stream of water. The moonlight lit the water up perfectly. I remember hearing Zara try to giggle at me lightly and quietly so she wouldn't be heard. Of course i heard her. It's probably my favorite picture from this trip.

"These pictures are amazing, Blair." Tabitha scrolls through the chat.


Blair: Attachment: 20 images
Blair: Attachment: 25 images
Blair: Attachment: 5 images

Liam: Aw you had me thinking we were all in for a treat :(

Hope: Oh please, if anything Zara is.

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