Chapter 6

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     A week had gone by since the party. I hadn't told Imogen what happened yet- mostly because i know she'd blame it on Tate. I dont blame him though he couldn't have known something would happen and it would eat away at him if he did know. As tough and idiotic as he might come off, he has a good heart. He has always meant well and he always will. As for Zara, she got over protective in a way. Not overbearing but definitely apparent. She's always checking up on me to make sure I'm okay, being weary when we've gone out to clubs- just doing everything she can to protect me. And not only that but she called me her girlfriend.. girlfriend? I know that's not my main focus but it's still in the back of my mind.

     We never talked about it honestly. She treated me differently than the rest, yeah but until I've been asked. And she could've just been saying that to add to the meaning of him touching me.. I dont know honestly. I just feel like if we're gonna have a relationship we should talk about it.

"Earth to Blaire." Imogen waves her hand in front of me to get my attention.

"What?" I snap out of my thoughts.

"You seem kinda spaced out, are you okay?" Imogen places a hand on my shoulder and takes the seat next to me at the kitchen counter.

"Yeah I'm cool.. It's just that.. Something happened at the party i hadn't told you about." Her face grew concerned at my words and tone of voice.

She sat down and listened to everything i had to say. I could feel the anger radiating off of her- more and more so as i continued on telling her. I watched as her fists instinctively clenched as soon as i told her what that guy did. I saw she was gonna burst but i continued on to tell her what Zara did to him. I could see it eased her mind a bit but there was still anger and frustration written all over her face.

She gets up quickly and practically sprints out of the kitchen. I followed close behind to see where she was gonna go until i realized she was heading to Tate's room. I knew she was gonna do this. I shouted out for her to slow down and to stop what she was doing but she didn't listen to me. She bursted through his door startling Tate and Jax.

"This is your fault." She raises her voice at him, pointing her finger in his face.

He slaps her finger away, "what the hell are you talking about?"

"Imogen, enough. It's fine." I grab her arm and pull her away from him.

I tried to keep my volume low so that they couldn't hear anything at all from me. "Imogen. It happened, its over. He didn't know and he couldn't have done anything to prevent that guy from doing that to me."

"What guy?" Tate peaks around from behind Imogen. "What did he do to y0u?"

"Mind your business Tate." Imogen throws her hand back at him.

"You were just accusing me of it being my fault.. I'd kinda like to know what i was accused of?" He questions.

I tell him and Jax what happened- I'm not keeping it a secret. I feel like people should know about things that could happen to us girls when we go out and the risk they could be putting us in if they aren't as careful around people as we are. This is still not his fault and he instantly apologized for not being cautious and was begging me to forgive him. He pulled me in for a hug and squeezed me tighter than he ever has.

"I never want anything happening like that again. I am so so so sorry." He gets out trying to hold back tears.

I pull him off of me softly "You dont have to be sorry. It happened, I'm okay. Zara was there and helped me. It's all good now and it wasn't on you."

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