Chapter 25

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     Blair's POV

     I'm rushing out of the restaurant to my car after the interview; my heart is pounding after the news i just received- or is it because Zara just told me she loves me? Who cares. I rummaged through my bag to find my keys and start the car as quickly as possible to speed home. Let's just say, thank god i didn't get pulled over. I ran up the stairs of the building and into the elevator. There was nothing stopping me from seeing Zara right now. A million thoughts raced as each floor's dinging of the elevator caused my heart to speed up each time. The elevator hits it's final ding; I wasn't even close to reaching my final thought- the doors slide wide open and I'm faced with having to have a conversation I've never had before. I'm nervous, but, not so nervous knowing that the conversation is with Zara.

     I stood outside the apartment for a minute to gather my thoughts, wondering how I should bring it up, what to say- I knew i felt the same way already, but, I just don't know if I'm ready to say it. I shut my eyes and take a deep breath reaching for the door handle. In a matter of seconds everything about our dynamic was about to change. She was gonna become more than just my 'domme' and more than just my "girlfriend". I opened the door slowly only to reveal the greatest silence i had ever heard. She hadn't come home yet. I exhaled deeply and put my things on the table, making sure i grabbed my collar and put it on before she got back. I'm waiting in anticipation- walking into the kitchen to prepare something before she arrived. I know I just spent the entire day cooking, but, I'm too anxious to sit still. I decided to just bake cookies from scratch as it was probably the easiest thing to do for me.

     I finished and took the cookies out of the oven, but, she still wasn't home yet. My anxiety reaching an all time high, I decided to go upstairs and take my anxiety medication to calm my nerves while i waited for her. Sitting on her bed, I grabbed my phone and checked my messages, but, no texts or calls. I get it- she's busy, but, she just said "I love you" to me and hasn't said anything else ever since. She hasn't been on Instagram and the only tweet that she made was an hour ago of a picture of her in makeup for her shoot. I can feel the obsession with the situation building in me, so, i turned my phone off and decided to start on my assignment. I grabbed my laptop and went to lay on her bed so I could comfortably write my essay.

     I wake up hours later to the sound of the bedroom door being shut. I looked at the black screen of the laptop laying beside me catching a glimpse of the moon's light from outside and just as I started to wake up, i feel the blankets being pulled over the bed from the other side and the same scent I had been smelling for almost 210 days.

    "Zara?" I asked, sitting up in bed and rubbing my eyes, catching her figure in the darkness climbing into bed with me.

     "Hey, sorry. Did i wake you?"

     "Mmhm" I groaned. "Where have you been?"

"After the shoot, everyone went out to dinner. I should've texted or something, I didnt mean to make you worry." She scoots in closer and puts an arm under my head to wrap around me and pulled me into her chest. I moved in closer and just at her touch, my eyes shut slowly.

"Wake up, Babe." Zara's voice quietly awakens me. "Come on, you have to get up. I told you, no sleeping in past 10 for you in my house."

I opened my eyes and groaned, looking at the clock that reads '9:49 am'. "Ugh, ten minutes?"

"B. Get up." She warns causing me to roll out of the blanket and sit up.

     I rub my eyes and look at her. "Can you atleast make me some coffee?"

"It's already made." She nods her head to the cup sitting on my bedside table. "Come on, I saw you didn't finish your assignment last night."

"I fell asleep." I frowned, leaning forward on my knees and laying on my arms wrapped around them. "Thank you for the coffee."

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