Chapter 28 part 2

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       I watched the two walk up the stairs, Jas following a step behind her. They disappeared around the corner and i heard the door shut behind them. I sat for a moment- 2 minutes passed by just watching them walk up the steps together. I can't believe this is my life now. I mean- two of the prettiest women ever.. focusing on me right now? I looked around, feeling an odd euphoric feeling. It's like I'm happily here and yet it doesn't feel real. I'm day dreaming or something. I let out a deep breath, and followed the stairs up a minute earlier than i was supposed to. The door looked more intimidating than ever as i approached it, but, I do so eagerly. I turn the knob and open the room's door slightly to peek through but saw nothing so i peered my head in and saw them together- in matching outfits. Zara was wearing a black set while Jas wore white- both included fishnet tops and satin panties. They weren't facing the door so they didn't see me immediately.

     The door creaked open and the sound caught their attention. Jas smiled slightly when she saw me, Zara tilted her head and looked me up and down.

"Sorry, hi." I open the door a bit wider and step in.

Zara reaches out her hand and as i walk closer she says, "don't be sorry, why would you be sorry?"

I grab her hand and she pulls me into her body and wraps her arms around my waist. I answer by kissing her and she pulls me back for one more before letting me go.

     "Are you ready?" She asks.

     "What if i wanna make you cum instead?" I know that she's not gonna say yes- atleast not right now. They say this session is for me but truthfully i know it's for them just as much. Their dominance needs my submission. And i'd love to give it to them, but, not without a fight.

     "Cute.." she stares into my eyes and i move in closer to her, getting close enough to feel her breath on my skin. "You know that's not how this is gonna work, right?"

"Who says you guys get to decide how it works?" I smile, leaning in to bite her bottom lip and suck on it before letting go.

I feel Jas wrap her arms around my shoulder behind me. She's gentle, letting go with one hand and caressing me with the other all over. I turn back to her and I can't help but smile at the feeling of her hands- they're like magical honestly, which i recently just found out. In a matter of seconds, she uses the arm around my neck to swiftly slide up and grab a fist full of my hair. Before I can really react, she pulls me down and forces me onto my knees, a shriek of pain exiting my lips.

She bends down infront of my face, "Come again?"

So i repeat myself.

     "Yikes." Is all Jas said before letting go of my hair and in a flash, my hair is in Zara's hand now; her grip is a lot tighter. She gets down to my level, rubbing my face with her hand. I smile as I look into her eyes, but, my smile diminishes when that same hand comes in contact with my face and leaves a stinging sensation.

    "Answer one more time, Who makes the decisions?"

Will I ever learn? With a devilish grin, "Me, duh."

She stands up, letting go of my hair and leaving me knelt down on the ground. She goes to whisper into Jasmine's ear, but, I couldn't make out the words. All i know is, when they stopped whispering to each other, Jas left the room and it was just me and Zara. She walks to the bed quietly and sits on it, both legs up sitting criss cross in her all black lingerie.

She pats the space in front of her, "Come sit with me, princess."

I do as she says, kind of fearing for what's to come next. From the looks of her demeanor, she doesn't seem hostile. I go to sit with her, she faces me forward so that I wasn't facing her anymore.

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