Chapter 27

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  It had been a few days since my parent's initial visit. My father hasn't reached out once since then. Damien however has been out of his mind bored and sick of hearing him talk about how my dad's 'children will never amount to anything no matter what he gives to us.' or something like that. He's called me every day this week. Zara has even heard the majority of what my dad's been saying about us two through Damien and has taken it upon herself to show me more love and care than ever before. I haven't had to do any chores, She's taken me on shopping sprees three times- even when I tell her I don't need them, and the sex? It's constant. I skipped a few classes just from her insisting we stay in bed and "cuddle" for five more minutes.. Obviously that took all morning. But finally, Zara insisted I went to class since exams are coming up and she can't have it be her fault if I flunk out and even agreed to pick me up after her and Jas hung out at the house.

"Jas, can you please let me pick a song for once?"Zara says as i open the back door of the car and jump in.

"Oh god, did i just walk into a fight?" I asked, throwing my bag on the floor next to my legs.

"No," Zara groans, "Jas here just thinks that since she rides passenger and i give her aux sometimes that she can do whatever she wants."

"Hey, you don't like good music, just say that." Jas puts her hand in her face.

Zara gasps, "bitch, don't start." She holds out her hand. "Phone."

"Fine." She groans exaggerating her movements , "but if you put on a podcast I'm jumping out the car myself."

Zara laughs, "you're so annoying." She picks a song and hands her the phone and turns around. "Hi princess, how were your classes?"

"Boring as Fuck. And you know, Naomi was there or whatever." I sit forward and lean in for a kiss.

"Where's mine?" Jasmine turns over.

"Back off." Zara glares.

"Oh please." I reach for jasmine's face and place a kiss on her cheek.

Jasmine smiles. "HA!"

"Not fair, give me another." Zara says, grabbing my chin and kissing me one more time.

On that note, we drove back to the penthouse. Once opening the door I can see the slight mess they left around the apartment. I began to pick up after them- knowing it was mostly Jas. Although she doesn't mean to be she's usually quite a mess when she comes over. I don't mind it though, she always cleans up after herself if I don't first.

    "Ah ah ah," Zara says, stopping me in my tracks and putting everything back on the table from my hands. She walks over to the front door where my collar hangs and grabs it off the hook. "Come."

      I walk over, turning around and lifting my long hair up into a pony tail so she can put it on easily. "Can i clean up now?" I asked turning around and fixing my hair back into place.

     "No," she points to the couch, "you need to relax."

     I go to sit on the couch, Jasmine and Zara following behind me and each sitting on either side of me. I wrapped my arms around Zara's left arm and laid my head down. I can already tell James came over by how lined up all of the shoes are and how neatly stacked her magazines are in the middle of the table. I'm assuming he had business so he left early but it kinda sucks not seeing him and not being able to thank him for getting me this job with Desirae. I start in about two weeks and although it's only a shift a month and I'm working for free, i get to work beside the one woman I've looked up to all of high school. I'm gonna be learning how to make the most prestigious meals in the world. Just as I go to grab a blanket from behind me, my phone rings. I get up and look through my bag and after shuffling through what seemed like a million items, I found it.

It's Damien. "Hello?"

"Hi," I hear in a voice that wasn't his. It's my mom's.

"Why are you calling me from Damien's number?" I asked, looking up and around me to see if the two women were listening to me- they were.

"If i had called from my number, would you have answered?"

"Good point." I replied. "What do you want?"

"I talked to your father- after what happened. It took awhile but he has agreed to stand down on his opinions if you come down for Christmas and spend some time with us." She takes a breath and continues on, "Please, we could really use some family time."

I thought for a moment. Would this really work? Could my father let go of his opinions for even a day? I figured it was worth giving it a shot seeing as how my mom gave the effort of arguing with someone as stubborn as he is. I agreed and she said she would text me and call me when she knew more about it. And as I hung up, Zara asked about the conversation.

    "They want me to come down for the holidays." I walk to sit down and take my same spot between Jas and Zara.

     "Sounds.. interesting?" Zara responds before stopping me from sitting on the couch and putting me on her lap instead, straddling her.

     "Oh god, get a room." Jasmine shouts out.

    "Relax, I'm not gonna do anything with her... yet." Zara smiles at her and turns back to me, resting her hands on my thighs. "Are you going?"

     "I think so, I don't really know if I want to though." I bring my arms up over her shoulder and play around w her hair.

     "Didn't your dad just storm out on you?" Jas asks stretching her legs out onto the table.

      "Yeah and my mom said he'll hold back if I come down but I'm just not sure if that's true. I am curious to see if he's willing to just for a good holiday."

     "Go down, spend some time with them. He might surprise you and even if not, you get to see Damien." Zara responds.

         I get an idea. "come with me."

     "What?" Zara scrunches her eyebrows and makes a very confused face.

     "I'm serious. Come with me."

     "You don't think your dad will see something suspicious about me sharing a room with you, sleeping in your bed, AND coming over for the holidays?" She questions.

     "I mean, we don't have to stay with them we can get a hotel or airbnb or something. Unless you're seeing your fami-"

     "I'm not." She interrupts quickly.

     "Okay, then.. can you come?"

     She ponders on the thought for a moment.. several moments. "Fine."

    I pulled her in in excitement and squeeze her so tight i swear i was suffocating her. "THANK GOD. I know Damien is gonna have a real hard time concentrating."

     "ooh lover's trip." Jas adds in.

     "Don't. I'm making you come with me." Zara points at her.

    "What?! Why me!?"

     "Because we're a package deal and if you don't, I'll never let you in on one of my sessions with her."

    Jas' jaw drops. "Fine, fine. Deal!"

     "Now we're wagering my domme sessions?" I pulled off of Zara and sat down beside her, my legs still stretched across her lap.

     "Yep." Zara shamelessly lets out. She begins to lean in.

    Every time i lean in forward, she moves back and opens her mouth wider. Instead of letting our lips connect, she climbs up so that her legs are in between mine and before i even know it, my head is resting in Jas' lap and I'm still inches away from Zara's lips. Jas wraps her arm under my chin and rubs my cheek slightly and as Zara moves in closer, I can feel her heavy breathing.

     She whispers just centimeters from my lips. "I'm thinking we start now."





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