Chapter 19

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Zara's been gone for a whole three weeks. I know she's working and whatever, but, we're both so busy that we haven't had a chance to plan our next session. After Paris she went straight to London. She's on her way home now- Finally. Jasmine's gonna pick her up and they're gonna go out while i finish up my last class. Naomi and I got to sit together for our psychology class again so we've been playing Tic-tac-toe the entire time- i honestly don't remember our professor opening her mouth to speak. Anywho, over the past three weeks we've gotten really close. Usually, we go to our specific cafe and get some stuff there while we study. She always asks about Zara when we're hanging out, i guess she's just curious but..

Class ends, Naomi and I walk out together. I watch her as she dances down the campus, talking about all of the good things in life. She's definitely the type of person to see things in a 'better light' when things are going wrong. I love that about her. She's literally always smiling and laughing. I don't think I've ever met someone as happy as she is- not even Imogen. I was so focused on laughing with her and goofing around, I didn't notice Jasmine and Zara in the car waiting for me.

"BLAIR!" Jasmine calls out, her hand waving at me through the window. "Get your ass over here, girl!"

I said my farewells to Naomi, telling her I'd talk to her tomorrow when we meet before class. I walked quickly to the car, opening the back door and sitting down behind Zara. "Hi guys."

"Hi princess. How were your classes?" Zara sitting in the passenger seat, looks at me through the rear view mirror.

"Good, I'm hungry." I put my bag on the seat next to me.

"What do you wanna get?" Jasmine pulls out of the parking space.

I sigh, having to make a choice for myself. "I dont know."

"Babe, make a decision, Jas won't wait for you forever." Zara looks back at me, staring me in my eyes.

My immediate response was to pout at her. I don't wanna decide- i literally can't. I have no idea what i wanna eat or if I'm even hungry enough to make this much of a fuss about it. "I can wait til we get home."

"Are you sure?" Jas asks. I simply nod my head.

We arrive back home, I waited for Jas and Zara to get shopping bags out of the trunk of Jasmine's car. I walked behind them so that they could lead the way- even though i know my way around by now. When we get into the elevator, i wrap my arms around Zara and lay my head on her chest. I've missed her touch and presence so much. She feels so safe. She puts a bag down and wraps one arm around my waist, resting her head on mine for the short little trip up. When the elevator opens, i leaned down to pick up the bags she put on the ground only to look up and see them both smiling at me and then at each other. They walked out infront of me and inside we went.

"Blair," Zara calls for me while i put her bags on the couch. I see her reach for my collar, "Come here."

I do as I'm told- like always. Jasmine was leaned against the wall, watching us interact. I lifted my hair up so that Zara could access my neck freely.I feel the cool leather tighten around my neck when she finishes. I smile back at her, touching my hand to the collar. I love this. I missed it. I missed her so much. As soon as she walked away, i took my pants off and went upstairs to throw them in my laundry basket and walk back down to hang out with them while they're in the kitchen cooking.

"What are you guys making?" I hop up on one of the barstools.

"Nothing special, pasta." Zara shrugs.

We all talked while they finished cooking. It was honestly kind of hot watching her cook- even if it is ' just pasta'. She had her hair up in a messy bun half way through. Also, her ass in those jeans? Jesus. Christ. Anywho, Jasmine divides up the food onto three separate plates while Zara finishes off the dishes. I went to reach for a plate, but, Jasmine pulls it back.

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