Chapter 31

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     It's our last day in Paris. Imogen and Jasmine shared a room across the hall from Zara and me. Zara figured that with Jasmine coming down with us, that her coming to Paris just made sense so she had one of her subs fund the ticket for her- and Imogen? I wanted her to enjoy something luxurious for once and what better way to say thank you for being the most amazing friend than an all expense paid trip to Paris- funded by James.

Zara treated everyone to dinner at Jòia last night for our last night. We didn't stay out long because our flight was leaving at 1pm and we needed to finish packing and be out the door by 10 to get to the airport for my parent's. Although, we aren't staying in the house with them, It's gonna be the day before Christmas Eve so my mom's gonna be stressed the fuck out with preparing the house and food for guests. It's not a big celebration, just a few colleagues she wants to impress and their families. My father and I still haven't directly talked since he came to see me, although I really don't want to. I'm doing this for my mom and my brother. I haven't seen Damien in so long and to finally be able to see him for the first time before I head back to school would make it all worth the trouble of seeing my dad. We all decided it would be best if we rented an airbnb and just stayed there together so that we weren't in my mother's way while she was preparing. I'm just worried about how different things will be with Zara coming. It was hard already trying to keep thing less... touchy and dynamic-like with Imogen around. She kind of caught on already. I know because she started asking me questions about us and how we work on a daily basis.

     After we got all packed up, Zara and I met Imogen and Jasmine in the hallway and we went down together. We checked out of the hotel and made our way to the airport where we were able to skip security and go straight to our first class flights. I swear, Zara didn't have to go all out with this trip the way she did, but, I know she likes to leave a good impression. Especially with Imogen being my best friend, she wanted to make sure everything was perfect for us to show that she's 'worthy of being with me' in Imogen's eyes. It's not that she's insecure or really even scared of Imogen, she just knows the value she holds in my life and if Imogen is happy, I'm happy.

    The flight took about eight hours- we arrived back home around 3pm est. I slept the entire flight through. Luckily there weren't a lot of people on our flight back. I laid with Zara. I held her hand in my sleep the entire time, or atleast- that's what she told me. We got off the plane and waited at the door for Imogen and Jasmine who have become insufferably attached at the hip. In retrospect, it was kind of obvious seeing as how we threw them in a room together and whil Zara and I went on dates and photoshoots, Jasmine and Imogen spent a lot of time together.

      Once I see Imogen, I plead for them to hurry up. "Come onnnn, we're gonna be late checking in."

     "We're coming!!" Imogen says, dragging her carry on behind her. "You're so impatient."

      "Call it what you want- I call it punctual."

     We went through to the parking garage where Imogen left her car. We got in and went to the grocery store before we headed to the house. It took about 30 minutes to get to the airbnb where we met the host who told us a few things about the house. It was a decent size, something quiet to escape to for the next week and a half. Imogen could've stayed at home but we wanted us all to be together and plus, her parents and siblings would probably not be comfortable with this many people occupying the house. We spent the day getting ready and used to the new house that we're gonna be staying at for the break. I smoked outback while Zara got ready for bed. With us being six hours ahead, Zara and I wanted to sleep early. It's only 6 and she was dozing off- I figured after already coming back in, I'd get ready after her and go to bed in a couple of hours after i went through the photos we took in Paris and sent them around to everyone so that they could post or have them for themselves. Everything was pretty much taken on my phone or camera- A few on Zara's of me.

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