Chapter 9 - Comfort Food (Maria)

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RiaLoves2Cook: Do you find your comfort foods change when you adapt to a new place or hang out with different people? At home with my family, my comfort food is my mother's soothing Sinigang soup which I'll have to make again soon. Now that I'm feeling cozier in Bangkok, Pad Thai and coconut shakes with friends are a weekly go-to. Believe it or not, grilled convenience store ham and cheese sandwiches can even amaze with the right company.

#eatingwithfriends #familiarfavs #nocooking2nite #comfortfood #mystomachneversaysno

Em&Em: Yes, pad thai and fruit shakes ftw!!! Hit me up anytime ; )

RiaLove2Cook: Haha, it's a mystery why you're so down for pad thai :P

Em&Em: Food is more delicious with a view ; )

YourOnlySunshine: I am soo craving that sandwich and the company that came with it! Nothing closes out an epic night in Bangkok quite like those. You're giving me all the feels <3 #pregnancyhormonesaretheworst XD


Maria sat across from Emma at the small sidewalk table as they waited for the handsome pad thai chef to finish cooking their meal. He tossed noodles and tofu with a bright yellow edge into the giant metal wok on his food stand then added sauce, peanuts, onion, and bean sprouts. Maria's mouth was watering already from the savoury scents.

Emma sipped on a pineapple shake. "This weekend was wild, huh? I can't believe we finally get you out clubbing in the city, and some asshole pulls that crap."

Maria sighed and picked at her nail beds. "I wish Mitch hadn't gotten a black eye because of it."

"You didn't tell him to take the first swing. He could have stayed with you and insulted the guy from a distance."

The moment had made her heart race. He cared about her enough to punch a rude stranger, even when he could have been gravely injured. Why had he done it? When they were alone in the bathroom, she swore the look in his eye was more than lust. A similar feeling burned through her, and she'd run because she couldn't handle acting and being wrong. They'd both been drinking, and it was her imagination at work. Mitch had always been clear; it was short-term or nothing. A sample of a fling would break her heart.

"What is up with you and Mitch?" Emma asked.

"What do you mean?"

"The sexual tension between you is thicker than a T-Bone steak." Emma grinned. "You guys aren't hooking up, are you?"

Maria's face flushed with heat that competed with the humid evening air. "No!"

"You sure? I sure as hell would be in your place." Emma's gaze shifted to the pad thai chef with the long hair and sharp features.

Maria chuckled. "I know what I'm doing with my body, thanks."

"But is he trying to sleep with you?"

"Is he ever not trying to sleep with women?"

Emma laughed and turned back to Maria. "Touche. You two are always together, so Shawn and I thought something was going on. We might have a betting pool."

Maria shook her head. She wasn't surprised. "Speaking of sexy tension, what is the deal between you and Shawn?"


"You sure? He seemed bummed when you were dancing with that handsy guy at the club."

"That's why we're friends. He's more like you, sweet and breakable."

"He wandered off with his date and Mitch's at the beach. Seems flexible to me."

"Really?" Emma leaned forward on her elbows and grinned. "Way to go, Shawn. I knew that man had a wild side. So did Mitch ditch his date for you if you witnessed it?"

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