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About an hour later, Nicky woke up and clumsily walked down stairs. She smoothed her hair down so it wasn't a complete wreck and she rubbed her eyes like a tired toddler as she entered the living room.

Harry and Louis were sitting on the couch, Harry's leg tossed over Louis' lap and both eating out of a  small bowl of popcorn.

"Hey, guys" 

"Oh, Hey, babe" Louis responded at the same time Harry said "Hey, Nicky"

She walked over and took the empty seat on the couch next to Harry.

"How'd you sleep, doll?" Louis questioned as he put a piece of popcorn in his mouth.

"Fucking great actually.. but how'd I get to my bed?" 

"Louis carried you up when he got here" Harry told her as he offered the popcorn to her.

She shook her head no so he set it back down between himself and Louis.

Nicky got her phone from the coffee table and noticed a message from Niall.

Niall: hi bestie whats up

Nicky: *Hi, Bestie. What's up?

She giggled to herself as she corrected him

Niall: Ugh stoppppp... what's uppp

Nicky: Sitting on the couch with Harold and Lewis

Niall: Oh my god can I come over?!

Nicky: I thought u were sick...?

Niall: Shit you right

Nicky: How'd you forget?! XD

Niall: I don't know.. i just miss u guys a whole lot

Nicky: Well, how sick are u?

Niall: Stuffy nose. That's all.

Nicky: Sounds like allergies.

Niall: Feels like allergies.

Nicky: Hold on brb

Nicky looks up from her phone and faces the two boys on the couch who's eyes are glued to the movie.

"Hey, Niall's kinda sick but he's pretty sure it's allergies. He's just got a stuffy nose... Can he come over?" 

The two looked at her, shrugged, and Louis spoke first "Yeah, sure.."

Then Harry said "this is literally your apartment and you're asking us if you can have Niall over?"

Nicky said "Well, I'll be glad to have him over since it's just a stuffy nose.. but if you guys were uncomfortable with it, then-" 

Louis cut her off and said "Just tell him to come over." with a smile

Nicky: The guys are chill with u coming over.. Sooooo yeah come over

Niall: AHH awesome!! I'll see u in 3 minutes!!

Nicky: 3 minutes??

Niall: I was already on my wayyyyyyy :P

Nicky: Door's unlocked. Just come in XD

Niall: OKAYYYYYyyyY xx

Nicky: xx

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