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When they were all back in London, safe and sound, they were really happy to be back.. even though it was raining and a bit cold..

Being in America was cool and all.. but they weren't there for vacation. They were there to get Harry out of jail and bring him back.. and that's what they did.

As soon as they were back, Louis asked the question he'd been thinking about..

"Wanna just move into my apartment?" He suddenly asked her as they walked through the airport, a little ahead of the other boys.

"Uh.. you serious?" She asked, honestly confused at the sudden serious question

"Yeah.. I was just thinking because-" She cut him off by kissing him. 

They stopped walking and focused on the kiss. 

Liam, Niall, and Harry all walked into them. The two broke apart at the sudden contact and everyone looked at each other confused.

"Why'd you run into us?" Nicky laughs

"You were snogging, it wasn't our fault!!" Liam laughed aswell

"Whatever.. it was one kiss. We weren't snogging" Louis rolled his eyes

They kept walking and Nicky linked her free hand with his.

"Sure, Louis.. I will. But you've gotta help me move my stuffs" She nods to him

"Okay, deal. I guess I can do that." He says sarcastically

She laughs and bumps into his side as they walk..

Niall, Harry, and Liam take a separate cab than Louis and Nicky because there wouldn't be enough room for all of them in one, plus their bags.

They all went their separate ways.. 

The cab driver stopped at Harry's house first, dropping him off, then they took Niall and Liam to Niall's place.. The couple got out of the cab, hand in hand, and ran together to the front door. Niall unlocked it and they ran in. They tossed their bags down and flopped on the couch together.

"Uhhhh I missed this damn couch!!" Niall sighed and cuddled further into the sofa

"Saaaame.. But cuddle me too not just the couch, jeez, Nialler" Liam laughed

Niall pulled Liam over and they both laid together on the couch. After about an hour of just laying there, talking a bit, they turned on the TV and started watching a movie..

Niall retrieved his phone from his pocket and said "here, take picture?" and Liam nodded.

Niall held his phone up and they took a picture together. Niall smiled and saved it then sent it to Louis. 

Niall: We're glad to be back in London!! Hbu? 
*Image Attached:

Niall: We're glad to be back in London!! Hbu? *Image Attached:

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Louis: I missed London so much... Also you guys really do make a cute couple.. and Nicky says AWWWW 

Niall: AHH hiiiiiii nicky!! and thank you very much :D so do u and nicky xx <3

Louis: How does Liam put up with your obnoxious ass?! XD 

Niall: Heyyy RUDE

Niall: This is Liam!! He's not obnoxious!! >:(

Louis: Hiiii Liam!!!! 

Niall: lmao hi louis.. we just seen u like an hour ago XD

Louis: 2 actually :P

Niall: this is Niall again. we're gonna go. by

Louis: *Bye

Harry arrived at his place and slowly walked up the steps.. He found himself stripping and climbing into the shower when he got inside. 

He stood under the water for probably an hour..

Even when he was done washing up, he just stood there..

When he got out, his fingers were pruned and he was shivering. He put on boxers and shorts then walked into his kitchen and made coffee. He got himself a cup as soon as it was done then drank it quickly.. He didn't know why, but he felt like shit. Maybe because he had been partying nonstop for two weeks in AMERICA or maybe because he knows he messed up Louis and Nicky's relationship or maybe he feels like that because he just got off a plane..
or all of the above are affecting him now.

After having three cups of coffee, he walked into his bedroom and looked around. He walked over and laid on his bed, getting his phone off the dresser in the process, and he seen a couple messages from a girl he had hooked up with in America..

Erica: Hey, Harry! You busy?

Erica: Haven't heard from you in a few days, bub! :P

Harry: Sorry. I got arrested. Then my friends bailed me out. Now I'm in London.

Erica: Arrested?! Shit.. Okay.. are you okay?

Harry: yeah, I'm good.. There was some drugs at a party and cops came and took me in.

Erica: Oh.. and now you're back in London?

Harry: Yep

Erica: That's far..

Harry: ..yeah

Erica: So.. want me to lose your number or...?

Harry: Certainly not. I like you, Erica.. I wanna get to know you better.. if u want

Erica: Of course I like u too.. just didn't know if we were just hooking up orrrr??

Harry: I wanna get to know you.

Erica: Let's talk, for real, then. Family, friends, back ground..

Harry: Go first :)

Louis looked over just as he finished unpacking and seen Nicky curled up on the bed sleeping. She hadn't even fully unpacked yet. He smiled widely and walked over, taking her bag off the edge of the bed and setting it carefully on the floor, and he climbed into the bed next to her. 

"Hey, raise up.. the blanket's under you" he whispered 

She surprisingly woke up enough to do as he said then he covered them both up and she curled up against his chest. 

In her tired state, she pressed her lips to his jaw, leaving messy/soft kisses all over and he giggled and pressed his lips firmly to hers.

"Lou.. I love you.. I love you so fucking much" she told him as she moved her lips against his

He pulled back a little and said "i love you too.. and right now, I think we should nap.. because you're really tired." he giggled a little and she just nodded and curled up against his side.

Her phone dinged and she groaned. She reached out, checked it quickly, then tossed it to the floor into her bag and shut her eyes again.

"Who was it, babe? Was it not important?" Her whispered with a funny smile on his face

"It was mom.. she wants us over.. for dinner.. two days.." then she fell asleep in his arms

Love Game ~ (Louis Tomlinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now