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"Uhm... We should.. maybe, uhm, stop playing?" Liam suggested.

But Louis immediately said "no no, I wanna give someone one last dare."

There was this look in his eyes.. This look of.. curiosity? Maybe determination? 

Like he was trying to solve something..

"I dare Harry to kiss Nicky. A real kiss. More than a peck"

Nicky turned to look at Louis and said "uh, what?" at the same time Harry turned to look at Niall and Liam with very worried eyes..

Louis smiled at Nicky and said "just do the dare. I'll explain after, doll"

He leaned over, pressing his lips gently to the girl's cheek, then he gave her a light push towards Harry.

"Go on, do your dare" he tells them

Nicky looks at Liam. Liam looked very worried but he holds his hands up in defense, not knowing what to say.

Nicky looks at Niall. He looks worried and he's just watching. 

Nicky turns and finds Harry chewing on his bottom lip.

She's still shirtless.. 

but there's so many more thoughts that are more important running through her mind at the moment.

Why is Louis doing this? She asked herself in her head. I'm his girlfriend, why does he want Harry to kiss me?? She practically screamed in her own mind. What is this going to prove?! She was terrified.

"What's the rules of the kiss again?" She stuttered out

"Lips locked, move maybe once or twice. a real kiss" Louis said like it was no big deal

But shouldn't this be a big deal to him?! She asked her subconscious

But of course... she had the answers to none of these questions

She looked up at Harry.. and they both slowly nodded to each other. 

She brought her hand up, gently placing it on Harry's neck/shoulder, and his hands went to her bare sides. 

Just as their lips were about to touch, she backed up and said "I'm sorry.. this feels like cheating. I just.. I can't." 

She grabbed her shirt, threw it over her head, and left the room.

Love Game ~ (Louis Tomlinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now