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Time skip to the tour in LA ~~~

Nicky stood at the front of the stage, actually a part of the crowd now, right next to Liam and Niall. They had flown in yesterday, spent the day in their hotel room, and now they were at the concert. Liam's leg was healed pretty much all the way though it still hurt him a little and Niall's stitches were all gone and the scar on his eyebrow was barely visible.

The two had been together officially for three months now.. meaning Louis and Nicky had been together for four and a half. 

Louis sang his heart out then pointed at Liam and Niall and said "This one's for my best friends, Liam Payne and Niall Horan!!" then he started the next song. Everyone sang loud, including the three in the front, then the show ended and he thanked everyone and blew kisses to all the fans before winking at Nicky and blowing her specifically a kiss.

A guard came over, got the trio, and took them to the back so they could go to Louis.

As soon as they reached back stage and saw Louis drinking from a bottle of water, Niall was sprinting towards him and ended up tackling him in a bear hug. Louis almost fell, but one of his band members pushed him forwards and Louis caught his balance, and Niall. Literally, he caught Niall in his arms and laughed as he hugged the blonde back.

"That was amazing!! You sound so good, Lou!" Niall screeched.

Liam walked over, patted Louis on the back, and said "You do sound great, Lad"

"Thanks, guys! Means a lot, seeing you two here!" Louis let go of Niall and smiled at them.

Nicky walked over and pecked her boyfriend's lips then stood by his side.

"We should all do something tonight.. But not drinking, because Nicky goes a little overboard and wakes up sick the next morning" Louis teased her a little

She rolled her eyes and said "we should go bowling!!" 

and everyone agreed on that.. so they found an open bowling alley and all crowded into the SUV being driven by a guard and headed there..

When they got to the bowling alley, they got shoes and all different colored bowling balls and each got a drink and a snack from the concession stand before they actually started playing.

Liam was in the lead, followed by Louis, then Niall, then Nicky..

"Damn it, I suck at this game!" Nicky whined as she only knocked down three pins.

Louis walked over behind her and said "let me help, doll"

He had one hand on her hip and one hand on the ball and her hand.. He pressed himself against her back and helped her toss the ball down the lane, rubbing against her butt in the process, making her bite her bottom lip because she knew what he was doing.. ;)

The ball knocked down every pin and she turned and jumped into his arms. He caught her legs and she quickly kissed him. He laughed against her lips and spun with her.

Niall went up to bowl next and when he knocked over all the pins with only two tries, Liam pulled him onto the comfy booth seat and kissed his cheek. "You did great, love" 

"Love? I like the sound of that..." Niall mumbled as his cheeks turned red.

Liam took Niall's chin in his hand, made him look him in the eyes, and whispered "Well.. Love is only fitting.. because I do love you, Niall"

The two boys had kind of hinted around telling each other those three words.. but they hadn't technically said it yet... until now.. on their three month anniversary..

Niall's eyes sparkled and he suddenly pushed his lips onto Liam's hard but lovingly..

He pulled back after a few seconds and simply said "I love you too"

When they finished the game, Liam and Louis tied and Niall came in third, leaving Nicky in last. She fake pouted, with her bottom lip out and her arms folded, and all three of the boys came over and started hugging her, kissing her cheeks, and telling her she played great..

Niall was tickling her sides while Liam poked her repeatedly and Louis kissed all over her face.

Finally, she cracked a smile and they all cheered, finally satisfied that they made her smile when she was literally trying so hard not to!!

They all got in the SUV and were taken back to Louis and Nicky's hotel room. They happened to get one that had two beds so Niall and Liam didn't bother going back to their room that night. The TV was on the opposite wall, in the middle of the two beds so it was visible to both, so the couples got in their beds and Niall controlled the TV. He ended up choosing some dumb Ghost TV Show that was supposed to be scary but they found it funny because it was really bad acting with bad reactions and totally real ghost footage.

Eventually, Liam fell asleep all curled up to Niall's side and Louis fell asleep with his head leaning on Nicky's head.

Nicky and Niall looked over at each other and got the BEST idea at the same exact time!!

The two carefully got up so they didn't wake their boyfriends and snuck over to the bathroom. Nicky grabbed her makeup and Niall helped her grab it all then they snuck back to the beds.. 

First, they focused on Liam since he was a very heavy sleeper.

They both sat on the bed, still careful not to wake him, and they started gently applying the makeup to his face.. Niall did the eyeshadow, Nicky carefully did wings at the corners of his eyes with her liquid eyeliner, and Niall put lip stick on the sleeping boy's lips..

They moved over to sleeping Louis and had to be extra extra careful not to wake him. Like, no breathing heavily or giggling and pressing too hard on him.. 

This time, Nicky did his eyeshadow, Niall once again did lipstick, but instead of giving him winged eyeline Nicky gave her boyfriend little hearts under his eyes with the black liquid. She grinned then Niall took it and carefully pulled up his tank top. He literally drew the shape of a dick with the black liner and let it dry on Louis' abs before laying the shirt back down..

Niall and Nicky snuck back to the bathroom, putting all the makeup down, and they had a small giggling fit before actually going to lay down in their beds with their now fabulous boyfriends..

Love Game ~ (Louis Tomlinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now