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Niall and Nicky were sitting in the back of the club at a small table. They both had glasses of water sitting in front of them. Niall and her hands were linked on top of the table and he was quietly whispering to her.. 

"You're gonna be alright.. We're gonna go back to my place and I'll get us some ice cream.. Okay? We can cuddle, watch movies, and I'll be there for you no matter what, okay? Every second of every day until you're happy. I fucking promise you that." He told her.

"thank you s-so mu-much.." She whispered before leaning on his shoulder. 

He held her tight to his side and kissed the top of her head.

Then he seen Louis in the distance, looking around everywhere.. Like he was searching for someone.

Niall quickly stood up and grabbed his spare hoodie he had brought just in case he got cold. He handed it to her and said "put this on dear." she nodded and pulled the hoodie on. He flipped the hood up and said "Stay here. I'll be back, okay?"

"Are you going to talk to him?" She asked and looked into his eyes

"Maybe.." He said back

"Don't hit him" She whined

Niall sighed and noticed his fists were already balled up... Of course he was mad at Louis.. but it wasn't technically his fault.. It was Nicky and Harry's.. but now that he's seen how sorry Nicky is and how much she actually hates herself for hurting Louis, he's got this serious anger inside of him for the brown haired boy.

"Louis!" Niall said as he approached the blue eyed singer.

Louis spun around, worry and nervousness all over his face, and his eyes went a little wide when he seen Niall.

"Fuck, there you are!" He immediately hugged the blonde but Niall gently removed himself..

"You have no idea what Nicky has been through.." He starts, anger prominent in his voice.

"What she has been through?! What about me, Niall!?? She cheated on me!!" Louis' voice cracked like he was gonna cry

Niall sighed and said "She's shut everyone out.. even her family. She's been sitting in her floor, not eating sleeping, showering, she's broken without you, mate.. She didn't mean to do what she did. It was a mistake!" 

"How can I just forgive her?" Louis asked, now with a tear rolling down his cheek.

"If only you seen what I seen.." Niall whispers.

"She was a mess.. a complete mess." Niall tells him

"Is she okay?" Louis asked, now even more worried.

"I don't know, Louis.. She's tore up about it all.. and, well, I'm scared for her safety"

"Her safety?" Louis questioned

"From herself.." Niall raised his eyebrows.. He wanted Louis to understand without him having to say anything..

and Louis' blue eyes changed a shade and more tears rolled down his cheeks..

"I have to talk to her.. I don't want.. She can't.." Louis started to ramble on.

"She's at the back tables.. The fourth from the bar. She's wearing my hoodie and has a water." Niall informed..

Louis started to walk towards her but Niall spun him around and said "Hurt her anymore, Louis.. And I swear.. There will be a serious problem between you and I."

Louis just nodded. He was scared.. He'd never seen Niall so mad.. 

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