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After Louis hugged Harry, everyone did, All at once. 

He laughed a little and made sure to hug them all..

They got back in the cab and drove to a hotel, each getting a room, except Louis paid for Harry's.

They all put their bags down in their rooms then met up in Louis and Nicky's room..

Louis and Nicky sat on the edge of the bed, Niall sat on the chair, and Liam sat on the floor next to the chair, while Harry sat on the arm of the chair.

"So.. a lot has happened since you've been in America, Harry.." Nicky starts

And Liam adds "Yeah, I kinda.. have a.. boyfriend"

Harry looks a little shocked but he smiles wide and says "Really? I had no idea you liked men.. Who's it?"

And then Niall reached down and linked his hand with Liam.

Harry gasped and said "No shit!! That's awesome! Congratulations, guys!!" 

then Louis says "And.. Nicky and I talked everything out.. and we're back together."

Harry smiles at him and says "That's amazing.. and I just really have to apologize for what I did. I wish I didn't.. no offence or anything but like.. I just regret it and how it affected everyone and I'm really sorry.."

He looks around at everyone, not just Louis, and everyone nods slowly.

"It's fine, Harry.. I don't even care anymore.. I just want all of us to be back to normal" Louis says honestly

"Yeah.. and I'm completely over it and ready to be friends, H" Nicky adds while smiling at him and at Louis

"And we've just wanted all this to be resolved so we can all have movie nights again" Liam tells everyone 

"Yeah.. Louis, you make the best popcorn ever and I seriously miss it" Niall sighs

"So.. we're okay now?" Louis asked

"Yeah. Thanks for coming and saving my dumbass aswell.." Harry says gratefully

"Of course.. Couldn't let you get picked on in the big house, now could we, Hazza?" Liam joked 

and he received a dirty look from Louis.. 

"Oh, shit, I meant Harry" Liam corrected himself.

"Hey, why don't we all have a movie night? Like old times? There's an old ass DVD player for this TV and I'm sure we could go find a store and buy a couple movies?" Louis suggests

"Yeah!! And we can get popcorn and Louis can make it!!" Niall grinned

He's always the one worried about snacks.

Liam and Niall set out to go buy movies and popcorn while Harry figured out the DVD player and Louis and Nicky got extra blankets and pillows from the hotel management.

Finally, Niall and Liam got back and they shut the lights off and put a movie in..

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