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The next morning when they both woke up, they were facing each other already.. so when their eyes opened, they both stared at each other and smiled a little..

Then Louis' eyes went wide and he sat up quickly.

"What? What's wrong?!" Nicky sat up too but held the sheet up to her chest since she wasn't wearing anything..

"I.. Holy shit, I'm so sorry, Nicky"

She stared at him like he was crazy.. She had no clue what he was talking about..

"I didn't pull out" He said as he stared at her. 

"Oh shit.. uhm.. s-so.. what do we do?" She said, now starting to freak out a little bit aswell.

"I don't know.. I've always. I mean, I've never.. I just.." Louis couldn't even form a full sentence.

Then Nicky said "We can't..." 

and Louis nodded in agreement.

"Right.. We can't. I know that.. But.. so what...?" He still couldn't even talk. He got up, slid into boxers, then said "I need some damn coffee.." She nodded and said "Can I wear your hoodie?" He nodded, grabbed a hoodie, and handed it to her, along with some sweat pants that he knew would fit her, then he said "I'm gonna go down and get coffee from that shop.. it's like a 5 minute walk.. Caramel Cappuccino, right?"  She nodded and he quickly kissed her cheek before he threw on presentable clothes and left the house..

As soon as he was gone, she grabbed her phone and checked her messages.. There was a couple from Niall, one from her brother, and one from Liam. 

First she checked her brother's text..

Michael: Hey, sis! Just wondering how you're doing..

Nicky: Hey, bro! I'm good.. Me and Louis are sorting things out :)

Michael: Good to hear! Don't get hurt.. Be careful!! <3

Nicky: I've got this! Thanks! :P 

Then Niall's.

Niall: Be honest.. Am I pretty?

Niall: Like.. I'm having second thoughts.. Am I even pretty tho??? 
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 Am I even pretty tho??? *Images Attached: 

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Niall: Is the blonde even look good?! Should I go back to my natural color?! HELP BABE

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Niall: Is the blonde even look good?! Should I go back to my natural color?! HELP BABE

Nicky: Niall.. You are the most pretty, beautiful, handsome, hot, cute, adorable, sexy guy I've ever met. Why're you thinking that you're not?! Also, the blonde looks amazing on you!! but if you wanna go natural, DO IT! It's your hair! Either way, you'll look fan-fucking-tastic! I promise you that!! <3<3<3 

Niall: Ahh thank you oh my god I love you :D <3 <3 <3 I think I'm gonna do it naturalllll  thanks for the advice xx

Nicky: I'd support you in any of your decisions.. xx

Niall: Okay, wait.. you're acting weird.. what's up??

Nicky: Nothing!! Just giving you friendly advice and help and <3support<3

Niall: You need advice too??.. what's going on???

Nicky: NIALL NOTHING OMG I SWEAR BABE <3<3<3 Gtg tho bc Louis getting me coffee

Niall: Okay.. but I don't believe you.. but okay.. Love u bestie <3 xx

Nicky: luv u 2 <3 xx

Then Liam..

Liam: we got  a problem

Nicky: What's it??

Liam: Harry got himself in jail 

Nicky: Ok haha good one.. rlly had me there for a second.. 

Nicky: What's the problem though??

Liam: Harry is in jail!! No joke!!

Liam: He was at this big party, was super drunk, some old bitch called the cops and.. there was illegal shit there.. and Harry's in jail. I was his 1 call. And bail is only like 500 dollars.. But we gtg to America and get him

Nicky: Liam.. 

Liam: 100% honest.

Nicky: On Niall's life

Liam: Yeah. Dude, I'm being serious.

Nicky: Holy fucking shit.. 

As soon as Louis was back with the coffees, Nicky was quick to tell him what else was happening, oh besides the face she could get PREGNANT

"He's in fucking jail, Louis! It's not a joke!" 

"Oh shit.. Jesus, we've got to get him out.. Harry's pretty face won't last a day in prison!!" 

"Okay, Call Liam. Tell him we'll go to America with him. and we'll get Harry. and we'll help with the money for bail" Nicky instructs him to do

"Okay.. and what're you doing?" He asks

"I'm.. I'm gonna go down to the drug store and fix our other problem" She tells him, kind of sadly..

"Oh." He sighs then adds "Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?"

She shakes her head 'no' and says "I'll be alright.. it's just a pill I have to take.. and it can all be forgotten. Right?" She asks.

He nods.

He steps forwards, takes her sides, and pulls her into a slow kiss..

"I wish we could have it, doll.. but it's not the right time" He whispers

"I know.. trust me, I understand.. and it's okay.. I love you, Lou" She whispers back

"I love you, Nicky" He pecks her lips one more time then she takes her wallet and goes..

She arrives at the drug store and asks the taxi to wait outside for her.. He agrees and she runs in really quick. She knows what she needs is behind the counter so she just goes straight into the short line.. After maybe 2 minutes, she's at the front.

"I need plan B" She tells the woman

"Okay.. It's been less than two days, yes?" The woman asks

She just nods.

The woman types something on her computer then reaches under the counter and pulls out a little box with the name on the front in huge letters.. She gives over the money and takes the box and leaves in a hurry..

She thinks to herself; I'll take it as soon as I get home.. as. soon. as. I. Get. Home.

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