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Two month time skip :)

Louis walks into his room, checking off all the things he's got, making sure he hasn't forgotten anything.. 

"Toothbrush, tooth paste, comb, deodorant, cologne, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and-" He was interrupted by Nicky shouting "Razor!" he hurried to the bathroom, grabbed his razor, and went back to his little pack and put it in the toiletries pocket.

"Thanks, babe!" he shouted before checking all the clothes..

Finally, when he was sure he had everything, He zipped up the pack and headed down to the living room.

Nicky was already packed and waiting.

"The SUV has been here for ten minutes.. and the dude who came and knocked was kinda scary looking.. so we might wanna go out there now." She told her boyfriend

"Ugh, it's just Paul. He looks scary, but he's alright.. But yeah, we've gotta get out there" Louis nods

They take their packs and head out. Louis locks the front door then follows his girlfriend to the big black car. They get in and Paul gives Louis a fist bump from the front seat as a greeting.

"Been a few weeks, mate.. Excited for tour?" Paul asks

"Yeah, yeah, gonna be great." Louis nods then glances to Nicky before giving some instructions to Paul.. "We're going to Niall and Liam's first.. then the airport."

Nicky gasped and said "we get to go say bye?!" 

Louis nodded and she hugged him gratefully. He kissed the top of her head and looked out the window as they started going to Niall and Liam's house..

When they reached it, they both jumped out of the car and ran to the door to knock. Liam just moved into Niall's place a few weeks ago on their two month anniversary.

Niall opened it and literally burst into tears when he saw the two. He pulled Nicky into his chest and grabbed at Louis, pulling him into the hug aswell. Liam came around the corner and seen them and joined the hug.

"I-I'm gonna miss you guys s-so much! America is s-so far aw-away!" Niall cried

"It's okay, Ni.. We'll be back in three months. And we'll text and call and face time" Louis told the blonde

Nicky reached out, wiping a few tears from his cheek, then she kissed is nose and said "Love you, Niall.. Be happy, okay? This is huge for Louis!"

Niall nodded then hugged her again.

Louis smiled at Liam because Liam was watching Niall with eyes full of fondness.

Liam and Louis hugged then Louis hugged Niall again while Nicky pulled Liam in.

"hope you guys have fun on tour.. I didn't tell Niall but I got him and I tickets to the show in LA.." Liam whispers to her. She grins against his shoulder and says "We'll definitely hang out then cause we get two days of vacation time while we're in LA.." 

He pats her back and releases her then says "text me the details" 

Louis and Nicky get to the airport and he gets recognized.. As a couple fans are talking to him, a girl comes over and says "You're Nicky? Louis' girlfriend?" Nicky awkwardly nods then the girl says "Can I get a hug?" 

"From me?" Nicky asks, obviously confused

"Yeah! He's mentioned you several times, and your art, and I actually bought one of your paintings I came across!" The girl smiles widely and her cheeks pink a little.

"Oh.. sure.. and thanks" She gives the girl a hug then says "What painting of mine did you get?"

"You called it 'breeze'.. it's the one of all the butterflies going around, starting at the bottom of the canvas moving to the middle.. it's so beautiful." The girl gushes a little

"Oh, I loved that piece.. Glad someone like you ended up with it" She gives the girl another hug while telling her they've gotta get on their flight and she says "it was an honor, really.. thanks for talking to me" then she hurries off.

Louis was waiting patiently for his girlfriend.. and when Nicky walked over to him, he said "Got your own little fans, eh?" and Nicky rolled her eyes and said "She apparently bought my butterfly painting that you liked. She was just talking to me about it."

"Oh, she's got that one?! I loved that one!!" Louis groans

"Yeah, well, it's in good hands, Lou."

Before the plane takes off, Nicky sends the group chat a quick text..

Nicky: Taking off now!! So excited!! Gonna miss everyone!! Except you, Harry. We'll see you in New York!! 


Niall: Oh and you too Louis :)

Liam: Love you both, stay safe. Have fun!! x

Harry: Yup, see u guys in NY. You gonna come see my apartment?!

Nicky: Luv u too Ni and Li.. and yeah, H, we'll come see it

Nicky: gotta get off here.. and Louis says hi to everyone and f u Niall lol <3

Liam: BYE

Niall: BYE AND F U TOO LOUIS <3 xx

Harry: <3 every1

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