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She shut her eyes and let niall just hold onto her. 
She felt so comfortable in this boy's arms.
He was her number one and she loved him
And he loved her
Because they truly were the closest
They were best friends

As he held onto her, she felt tears escape her eyes, but just a few.. somehow, he made the rest melt away..

"Niall.. I'm so sorry.. I didn't... I just.. I was so-" he cuts her off and says "Shh, it's fine.. It's fine.. You're okay.. I've got you."

She opens her eyes and looks over and sees her brother silently watching from the front door. 

She gently pulls away from Niall and he wipers her few tears before letting her go. She walks right over to her brother and he gives her a soft hug.

"Did you bring Niall?" She whispers

"Yeah.. you have no idea how important you are to this kid.." Her brother whispers back.. then he adds "It's like he's your brother and I'm a friend"

They both giggle a little then she steps back so she's between the two and she looks at her feet.

"Sorry I scared everyone.." 

Immediately, Niall says "Don't apologize.. You were scared and upset, It's not your fault. You needed to be alone for a bit.. we were just worried."

and Michael says "It's alright sis.. We still love you"

"Louis doesn't" She whispered

The two boys hung out with her for a little bit, just taking her mind off of everything, then when they were getting ready to leave, She grabbed Niall's hand and pulled him back to her.

"Please.. don't go.. I can't be alone anymore.." She whispered

Only she knew what she was talking about.. She'd already relapsed and hurt herself again.. she didn't want to be alone again and go too far and... well.. yeah..

"Okay.. Grab some clothes. This place has bad vibes right now.. So we'll go to my place"

Love Game ~ (Louis Tomlinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now