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The tour was going great.. Everything was going great..

Now they were in NY and meeting up with Harry after the show. They were all going to a private bar where no screaming crazy fans were allowed in and they were planning to get shit faced drunk!!

About halfway through the show, Nicky's phone rings and she sees Niall is calling. She looks up at Louis then to her phone.. Niall knows their busy. He knows not to call right now. She wonders if something is wrong. 

She turns to the guard by her and says "Take me back stage or somewhere quieter!!" and he nods and takes her arm

They go towards the back and eventually it's quiet enough she can call Niall back. She looks at the guard standing by her and politely says "Can I have a minute?" and he nods and goes down the hallway but still close enough to come running if something bad happens..

She calls Niall back and pressed the phone to her ear.. Within the first ring, Niall picked up..

"Niall! What's going on? Is everything alright?!" 

"Uh, well, everything is okay so don't freak out.. we're gonna be fine.. but we, uhm, got in a car wreck" Niall says with his voice a little shaky

"WHAT?!" She shouts 

The guard gives her a worried look but she just turns away and starts pacing.

"What, what even happened? How? Are you hurt bad? What about Liam??" She asks quickly

"I told you, we're FINE. We're not dying! but Liam's in the hospital.. He fractured his shin bone or something like that.. I don't know.. I was hysterical and wasn't listening to the doctors.." Niall sighed.

"And you? Are you okay, Niall?!" 

"Yeah, yeah, M'fine" 

"Niall" She says sternly

"Okay, I got stitches in my eyebrow.. but I'm fine!" Niall finally tells the truth

"Fuck, Niall.. Fuck, should we come back!?" She asked 

"No! No, of course not! Liam can go home in a day or so.. and I can go home whenever I want." He explains.

She calms a little and says "i'm so happy you're okay.. I love you so much, Niall"

"I love you too.. and I'm sorry I worried you.. but I wasn't gonna wait to tell you. That'd be messed up if I waited.." He sighs

"Yeah.. thank you for calling.. Tell Liam I love him too? Oh, and I'll tell Louis when he's off stage, okay?" 

"Yeah.. thanks.. Tell Harry tonight too?" 

"Yep.. I will."

"Okay.. go back and support your man.. We're fine. Just a little bruised.. Love you so so much, Nicky.."

"I love you too.. and tell Liam hi and I love him.. I'll call you tomorrow, I promise."

"Okay.. Bye"

"bye, niall"

Just as she hangs up, Louis comes around the corner. He's with his band. Shit, the show is over.. and she missed the last half.. 

Louis looks confused and worried.. then he sees her and literally runs to her. 

"What happened? I seen you go, but I couldn't follow. Did someone say or do something or-" 

She cuts him off and says "No.. no, just listen.. Niall is fine and so is Liam.. but they got in a small wreck" 

His eyes go wide and she continues. "Niall's got a few stitches in his eyebrow and Liam's hurt his leg but other than that, they're perfect."

"Jesus.. how'd it happen?" 

"Niall didn't say, he just wanted us to know as soon as he could tell us."

Louis nodded then hugged his girlfriend. She hugged him back and whispered "Sorry I missed the last couple songs.." 

He gave her a crazy look and said "you're kidding right?! Why're you apologizing? It's perfectly fine!! Babe, don't say sorry, Niall called for very good reason! I understand completely"

She nods then says "I just feel bad.. I'd never missed a show.. even when we were apart"

"You didn't miss a show.. You missed two songs that you've heard 20 or 30 times already. Calm down, darling"

He kisses her lips gently and she melts into his touch.

"I love you, mrs worries a lot" he giggles

"I love you too Louis"

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