Chapter 10

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Our power quickly spread through Zaun as many agreed with our ideology. We quickly grew in numbers, received support and were often referred to as the Power couple even though we weren't official.

I was strolling around buying food when my name was suddenly called.


-"Jinx ..."

I dropped all my belongings and ran as fast as I could. At the bridge i was met by a whole squad of Enforcers.

-"What are you doing here?!" I screamed in a confident voice as I put myself in front of everyone.

-"You have been doing some illegal Business without the council's permission. We are coming to make a proposal."

I raised an eyebrow at them.

-"I'm all ears gentlemen." I said sarcastically.

-"Give us Jinx and we shall give you what you want."

I stayed silent as I began laughing. I turned around towards the folk behind me.

-"Have y'all heard them? They're funny..."

I started walking towards the sheriff who was standing in front of the others. They all pointed their weapons at me.

-"Sheriff, you clearly do not know who you're dealing with ... I would rather die than give you Jinx."

-"All I'm asking is her against the independence of your city... Is that decision really that hard?"

I chuckled at him.

-"All I'm asking is your wife against the peace of your city... Is that decision really that hard?" I said imitating him.

-"This isn't the same."

-"Oh it's isn't?" I asked with a smirk before backing off and stepping away. -"As you can see, Jinx isn't here. I'm sor-"

I was suddenly grabbed by my hair when I saw Jinx appear.



I made the Shimmer resurface and put myself in front of her to protect Jinx from the gunshots.

-"Achlys ...?"

-"Are you okay ...?" I asked looking down at her.

She nodded as she pulled away. I smiled at her as I coughed up blood.

-"Run." Were my last words before I collapsed onto the ground.

Jinx watched me in horror as her hands were covered in blood.

-"WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING HERE-?" Said Vi pushing through the crowd of Enforcers with Caitlyn behind her.

Vi's eyes widened as her gaze was met by bloodied Jinx.


I dropped to the ground as I ripped a part of my pants desperately trying to stop the bleeding.


I suddenly felt arms grabbing onto me and pulling me away from Achlys. I wrapped my arms around her body refusing to let her go but i was eventually tazed making me go limp and permitting them to restrain me. As I regained my strength back i began struggling while looking at Achlys.


My eyes widened as two Enforcers took her into a Vehicle.

-"LET HER GO! NO! ACHLYS!" I Screamed and wailed over and over as tears rolled down my tears.

Achlys : Arcane fanfiction {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now