Chapter 23

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I entered my room.

"Gosh why is it so dark-"

I flicked the switch on to find a person on my bed.

"Nice House."


Shit ... I don't have a weapon on me.

"Why the long face?"

"What are you doing here."

She looked down at my clenched fists.

"I sense tension ...had a bad day?"

"Answer my question."

She sighed.

"Are you ... Always ... so serious...? But anways, i just wanted a courtesy visit. I'll be going now."

She jumped out of my window.


I began running after her but she was way too fast. I began roaming the city at night trying to find her. I looked over at the bridge and perceived what i thought was a person standing on It's edge. I ran over to the person to find Achlys once again.

"Oh look at that, i never thought you'd come out of that city."

"Will you stop with all this nonsense! You're creating a war!"

"Am i though? Or am I disturbing your life of privilege...?"

I was taken aback by her statement and stayed quiet to think about it.

"Hm... Looks like you're actually thinking about it. Maybe i was wrong about you after all."

I looked back up at her.

"You're right, i do see the injustice the Undercity has undergone but i still think that there's another way."

"Anddd i take back what i said."

I scoffed at her, a bit offended by the remarks.

"Kay 6'0 foot hottie, I'll tell you why i visited you. I came with a proposal for you. I could welcome you to zaun if you want to."

"And why would I want that?" I asked sceptical.

"Thought you'd might want a guide to get reunited with Vi. We Wouldn't want the Undercity to eat you up now do we?"

"Vi's with you?"

"Yep..." She said sitting on the ledge.

"How is she? Where is she now? Are you treating her well?"

"Hey! What do you think she is? My prisoner? It's not my fault your gf chose her sister over you now is it?"

"... I dislike you." I said while holding my anger back.

"Likewise." She responded with a smirk.
"I'm not your friend but I'm not trying to be your enemy either."

"I would never ally myself to someone who kills innocent people!"

She leaned closer to me.

"Then why don't you kill me? You let other shoot us but you ... Never tried. Oh wait! Maybe you need some help."

She suddenly let herself fall backwards off the bridge. My body reacted before I could even process it and grabbed her ankles. Her body dangling off the bridge as I struggled to keep a hold of her.

She suddenly looked up and began chuckling.

"Are you... Crazy?!" I yelled at her struggling.

"Well... I didn't think you'd have the balls to risk your life. Why don't you let me go? All your problems would disappear..."

"I'm not going to let you die! For God's sake will you please grab a hold of that bridge!"

"Ahhh i see now, brave, hot but naive. Hm, i like you a bit more. I've made my decision."

She suddenly grabbed a hold of my arm and pulled me off the bridge while she still held on to it My eyes widened as it seemed that time had slowed down.

She... Pulled me ... Down...? She betrayed me...

My body slowly free falling as i watched the smirk on her face. She suddenly propulsés herself down with me. My eyes widened again as she took me in her arms.


The floor was approaching fast as i closed my eyes and clung to her body. A gigantic thump was heard but i felt nothing. I slowly opened my eyes to find an amused Achlys looking down at me.

"Are we..."

She suddenly dropped me onto the floor and stood up, taking a few steps away from me. I looked around me to find that her impact had made a crater.

"Oh ... What the... What are you ...?" I said looking back at her.

"Your type? Seems like you got a thing for pink hair" She said sarcastically.

"That's not true!"

"Oh for god's sake... Y'all need to grow up and kiss already." She said shaking her haid.

She suddenly walked away.

"HEY! wait!" I said following her.

She continued walking completely ignoring me.

"I demand that you bring me back up!" I exclaimed while still following her.

She rolled her eyes at me.

"Vi, come get your girl before I push her in this river."

I turned around to find Vi standing in shock.

"Vi!" - "Caitlyn!"

Achlys : Arcane fanfiction {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now