Chapter 23

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I went over to Ike. "This helps, right?" I asked as I held up the fire extinguisher to him.

"Yeah! Thanks!" Ike took it and used it on the fire.

"The rule book smells like Kiyo's food." I checked out its remains.

"Who would do something like this?!" Kei yelled. "Does this mean there's a traitor in our class?!" She was looking at the boys.

"This isn't like the panty theft thing!" Ike yelled.

"Maybe you burned it to distract us!" Shinohara really should stop talking and thinking, maybe breathing to.

I let their yells turn into background sound once again as I checked out the book. "You look exactly like I thought you would look. I hope I can make more fires now that I have freedom and I can even eat marshmallows to!" I grinned as I picked it up.

It started to rain, so I made sure I held my umbrella perfectly above me so I don't get wet since having a fever or dying won't help with this plan.

Everyone else was still yelling about underwear and some guy called arson. "Hey, is Ibuki here?!" Kushida ran over to us. "Oh? She's not here, either?"

"Huh? She was here just a minute ago." Shinohara mumbled nervously.

"Wait, you mean..." Yamauchi groaned.

"It is pretty suspicious." Ike added.

"Because she started the fire? Does that mean..." Kei asked.

"I knew she was a spy!" Sudo punched his own hand.

"You're attacking yourself now?" I asked then I noticed Hirata's posture. His whole feel was very different, he was in too much shock for just the fire to be what caused this change in him.

"Anyway, let's talk about it later. Hirata, give us instructions!" Ike demanded.

Hirata was silent. "How could...this..." Hirata mumbled, and Kei was giving him a confused look so this isn't normal.

"Hirata?" The others mumbled.

"I haven't done anything wrong...why would..." Hirata murmured, and he had his head down, so I bent down in front of him to see quite the expression.

Hirata flinched a little when his eyes connected with mine. "Hey, you broke, and now you're being stupid again." I sighed since I gave him so many warnings.

"Hey!" Kei yelled at me.

"We have other things than the fire to worry about. It's raining heavily, and we don't need everyone getting sick and losing all our points." I explained to her.

I then chopped Hirata on the head making him look up at me. "Leave it to me." I grinned at him.

"It is raining." Hirata nodded.

"So ask for help already." I demanded.

"Okay, I will accept your help, Rekka." Hirata grinned. "Let's get out of the rain. Girls bring in the clothes we were drying. Boys cover the firewood with a tarp, so it doesn't get wet. Come on, hurry!"

Everyone ran off leaving Kiyotaka and me. "It's time." Kiyotaka hummed.

"Yeah!" I exclaimed.

"You're the fastest, but be careful." He asked of me.

I nodded and started to run in the direction Suzune went, but I got stopped by someone. "Rekka! Your hand!" Hirata grabbed my hand.

"Yeah, it's red like my hair, what about it?" I asked. I still had the rule book in the hand he grabbed while my umbrella is in the other.

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