Chapter 42

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"Wouldn't it be more efficient to join Horikita's group?" Yukimura suggested to Sakura.

"It's not like that! I just really want to be in a group with Ayanokoji, Rekka, and all of you!" Sakura showed her aim was us two really.

"If you like." Akito shrugged.

"Sure you don't want to give it more thought?" Kiyotaka asked.

"She's not especially disruptive." Yukimura mumbled like I'm not in this group.

"Sorry, but I simply can't accept this, Sakura." Haruka admitted.

"I want food." I held onto Sakura's sleeve, and she nodded. "I want her in."

"Of course, but to be a part of this group, you need to call us by our given names or nicknames only." Haruka explained to her.

"This is Keisei, Akito and Haruka." Kiyotaka introduced them to her.

Sakura spoke all of their names with a little tremble in her voice. She said mine easily then screamed Kiyotaka's. "Kiyo-pon taka!" She yelled and I laughed.

"Okay, you pass. Now, call him Kiyo-pon." Haruka demanded.

"Excuse me? Kiyo-pon?" Kiyotaka asked her.

"Is it a problem? Can only Rekka call you Mr stiff?" Haruka asked and he nodded. "Oh, Rekka has special privileges."

"Airi!" I grinned.

"That's it Airi." Kiyotaka mumbled.

"Yes!" Sakura exclaimed happily.

"Now, this six-person group is officially the Ayanokoji and Rekka group!" Haruka declared.

"Wait, why am I one of the figureheads?" Kiyotaka asked.

"You and Rekka are the ones who brought us together." Akito explained.

They forced him to go with it like I do making me grin, this is actually quite fun. I think I like less serious people than Suzune and Kushida.

Kiyotaka and I collected the cakes for today on the way back. "Happy birthday to smell like a shoe! Happy birthday to you!" I grinned.

"Thanks." Kiyotaka patted my head as I sang it again.

When we got back, we were talking about the movie we would go see tomorrow then we got interrupted by Kei calling Kiyotaka.

She was making small talk and Kiyotaka was great with it as I mean he used a small number of words to respond each time.

"We are going to a movie tomorrow." Kiyotaka informed her.

"That's pretty sudden." Kei mumbled.

"Rekka told them how she never watched a movie." Kiyotaka explained.

"She hasn't?!" Kei yelled. "Wow, you really are overprotective of her."

"So it's your fault!" I yelled at Kiyotaka. "Horrible! I want green tea!"

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